even heaven is helping me, my depressing post did not go thru.. i had to retype. LOL.
stay optimistic ~ nothing will go wrong ~
-razr is fixed btw :D
ill update ltr.
NOTHING went wrong :D Nothing! confidence level rising to sky high levels.
his mini condo is pwnage, PWNAGE. wow. everything looks so damn sophiscated. hats off, hats off.
i pulled off my street goth look successfully without angering the adults + elders. all hail this red tie of mine. hahaha..
dad's side was boring tho, bleh. wont say much. expected X: but either way.. it was better than last year. hahaha, i felt useful for once in their house..
got a secret recipe from my uncle, mum's side. kekeke. FNN, you dieeee. with this secret recipe, im gunna rip out ur taste buds and stuff firepowder back in! i know im not making sense.
hl got a gf!! waited 2 years for her omfg. 2 YEARS. and he succeeded. whats up with guys nowadays. but im.. of course, impressed. such guys are ones to die for LOL. uncle said shan is blessed. :D the canteen auntie selling chicken chop said im blessed. :D my grands said im blessed too. and..well..
i shall stop denying. :D im blessed..!! its time i stop grieving over my mutated thumbie. it gave me my life of spades ^^
i love you, shannie! jiayou!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
see, i didnt disappoint you guys. ^
-ill update the pictures of the event soon, when xh passes the photos to me-
4E 4E 4E 4E 4E 4E! grats for clinching 2nd place! our efforts and money were well spent! we OWN joo!
going out to meet min and jh soon (: take neos and dress femin- something. lalala. ill update when we get home.
-update abt the trip-
its alright, not that shiok, but not lousy either. went to jurong point, then causeway. bought a necklace, food, ring, and literally killed my moto razr. T_T
jiahui = bubbly. star necklace. :D
minette = elegance. crowns. ;_;
me = wtf. handcuff necklaces. >_>
we played around...
Shan's giraffe ring: " ELLO "
Jiahui's queen ring: " Bah, shut up "
Minette's butterfly earring: " ELLO "
Shan's scorpion chain earring: " evil queen ;_; "
sad. for a moment i reverted to the old me ._. why am i so.. different? why do people go for sweet stuff while i buy such scary accessories? budden i snapped out of it, tho it sorta snapped my hyperness off also.. ahhh.
went to 77th street, found something pwnish. was walking thru the clothing when i found a plastic model wearing layered tee, with a shirt, loose cargo pants plus a pink belt. i went crazy over it LOL. it made me wish i was a guy. LOL.
how long ah, how long? i know its very accurate, everything you predicted came true. ><
-edited- bah, you are despicable!! downright cunning, sly, pathetic! how could you!
see, i didnt disappoint you guys. ^
-ill update the pictures of the event soon, when xh passes the photos to me-
4E 4E 4E 4E 4E 4E! grats for clinching 2nd place! our efforts and money were well spent! we OWN joo!
going out to meet min and jh soon (: take neos and dress femin- something. lalala. ill update when we get home.
-update abt the trip-
its alright, not that shiok, but not lousy either. went to jurong point, then causeway. bought a necklace, food, ring, and literally killed my moto razr. T_T
jiahui = bubbly. star necklace. :D
minette = elegance. crowns. ;_;
me = wtf. handcuff necklaces. >_>
we played around...
Shan's giraffe ring: " ELLO "
Jiahui's queen ring: " Bah, shut up "
Minette's butterfly earring: " ELLO "
Shan's scorpion chain earring: " evil queen ;_; "
sad. for a moment i reverted to the old me ._. why am i so.. different? why do people go for sweet stuff while i buy such scary accessories? budden i snapped out of it, tho it sorta snapped my hyperness off also.. ahhh.
went to 77th street, found something pwnish. was walking thru the clothing when i found a plastic model wearing layered tee, with a shirt, loose cargo pants plus a pink belt. i went crazy over it LOL. it made me wish i was a guy. LOL.
how long ah, how long? i know its very accurate, everything you predicted came true. ><
-edited- bah, you are despicable!! downright cunning, sly, pathetic! how could you!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i hate this green skin, ill get a black + pink one today. more time to actually choose and configure.
HAH. HAHAHA. i love it, seriously. i like how i felt so damn invincible! unbreakable! this is the peak of my teenage life, really.
10% events, 90% reaction = 100% chance of having things done YOUR way. my attitude changes everything. bwahahaha.
changing plan soon, going to switch to singtel after years of using M1 service. yay new number! lalala~ remember to ask me for my new number.. since 80% chance im using the new plan. student plan summore :D WOOT. the power of THE ic.
im tying little pigtails soon, the moment my hair is long enough. highly inspired. china doll look. :D
hmmmm, gave out almost all my vday/friendship presents, still need buy summore ;_; return gifts. thank you everyone for the gifts, thank you!
took a very long look at my msn contacts. every single one of them. ahh, all the nicks sound so sad. you create your own problems, gotta accept it. (: everyone smile with me! ~
jiahui went window shopping w/me today, talked about how much she needed an ATM bf right now. i was thinking, yeh, ATMs will do well. but ultimately, it guys that dare to correct me, have the guts to admit their own mistakes, and have their own responsible thinking that are close ..to perfect. character sense. i finally listed out my standards. see. ^^
utada hikaru's Passion ROCKS la. O: the melody, the melody!!
PS: ANYONE KNOWS THE SOUNDTRACK USED IN THE T.D. PERFORMANCE TODAY DURING ASSEMBLY? umm. its a kinda grand song, with violins.. its played during the showing of the terrorist clips i think. PLEASEEEE tell me if you have such soundracks or tracks belonging to that genre. classical, i might think. sounds so .. fired up. but in a .. not in a happy way. damn. cant describe. i love it tho. please please please ;_;
i hate this green skin, ill get a black + pink one today. more time to actually choose and configure.
HAH. HAHAHA. i love it, seriously. i like how i felt so damn invincible! unbreakable! this is the peak of my teenage life, really.
10% events, 90% reaction = 100% chance of having things done YOUR way. my attitude changes everything. bwahahaha.
changing plan soon, going to switch to singtel after years of using M1 service. yay new number! lalala~ remember to ask me for my new number.. since 80% chance im using the new plan. student plan summore :D WOOT. the power of THE ic.
im tying little pigtails soon, the moment my hair is long enough. highly inspired. china doll look. :D
hmmmm, gave out almost all my vday/friendship presents, still need buy summore ;_; return gifts. thank you everyone for the gifts, thank you!
took a very long look at my msn contacts. every single one of them. ahh, all the nicks sound so sad. you create your own problems, gotta accept it. (: everyone smile with me! ~
jiahui went window shopping w/me today, talked about how much she needed an ATM bf right now. i was thinking, yeh, ATMs will do well. but ultimately, it guys that dare to correct me, have the guts to admit their own mistakes, and have their own responsible thinking that are close ..to perfect. character sense. i finally listed out my standards. see. ^^
utada hikaru's Passion ROCKS la. O: the melody, the melody!!
PS: ANYONE KNOWS THE SOUNDTRACK USED IN THE T.D. PERFORMANCE TODAY DURING ASSEMBLY? umm. its a kinda grand song, with violins.. its played during the showing of the terrorist clips i think. PLEASEEEE tell me if you have such soundracks or tracks belonging to that genre. classical, i might think. sounds so .. fired up. but in a .. not in a happy way. damn. cant describe. i love it tho. please please please ;_;
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
previous post was orangey, im going yellowy today :D
hoyin gave the class pretty flowers
the guys plus some girls handed over a bunch of snacks. i think ill only finish those by march. x:
pawan gave me bra strap :D I LOVE IT! pink hearts!
jiahui gave me the hairband i fancied. :D weee~
alotta people gave us cards, letters and such.
hahaha, the pictures.. friendship day then i give le X:
i drew alotta letters too, gave my black strap to bev. -its not even outta the packaging, relax- ah.
my determination and will to hold on to that promise i made to myself.. is strengthening again.
im going to keep my promise to jiahui too (: we MUST stay single together! well, not forever though X: take the time to slowly sort out potential guys in poly muahaha.
found out that ben is another jap song fanatic! great, someone to beg CDs from. or rather, exchange CDs. bah.
play with me :D make this year the happiest, the best! because we will part soon.. :D everytime i study, i study with a tinge of dread in my heart. why am i doing this? cuz olvls is near.. and olvls means goodbye. sometimes i really wish i can just burn everything and make time stop ><
im going designs .. kinda.. on solo mission lah. but .. ill not give up. creative director. that post is mine! Ill bring colour into life, ill inspire the world :D and of course ill earn big bucks too lmao.
i love everyone, just for being there :D haha. thankful for everything now.
hoyin gave the class pretty flowers
the guys plus some girls handed over a bunch of snacks. i think ill only finish those by march. x:
pawan gave me bra strap :D I LOVE IT! pink hearts!
jiahui gave me the hairband i fancied. :D weee~
alotta people gave us cards, letters and such.
hahaha, the pictures.. friendship day then i give le X:
i drew alotta letters too, gave my black strap to bev. -its not even outta the packaging, relax- ah.
my determination and will to hold on to that promise i made to myself.. is strengthening again.
im going to keep my promise to jiahui too (: we MUST stay single together! well, not forever though X: take the time to slowly sort out potential guys in poly muahaha.
found out that ben is another jap song fanatic! great, someone to beg CDs from. or rather, exchange CDs. bah.
play with me :D make this year the happiest, the best! because we will part soon.. :D everytime i study, i study with a tinge of dread in my heart. why am i doing this? cuz olvls is near.. and olvls means goodbye. sometimes i really wish i can just burn everything and make time stop ><
im going designs .. kinda.. on solo mission lah. but .. ill not give up. creative director. that post is mine! Ill bring colour into life, ill inspire the world :D and of course ill earn big bucks too lmao.
i love everyone, just for being there :D haha. thankful for everything now.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
slaved our assess off for this deco competition, big chance we're winning top few. or even better, first!
we drew and drew and drew..
cut and cut and cut
paste paste paste
hang hang hang..
under great leadership from the more outspoken people and unity within ourselves, we managed to stitch up our messy class in 3 days. this rocks O:
ate yusheng with the rest, i didnt want to, but xiuhui stuffed a chopstickful into my mouth ;_;
begged ben to gimme the utada hikaru cd.. and i succeeded :D am going to burn it now.
bought my vday presents for everyone. broke. got a pure black bra strap for myself, i wanted neon pink.. but..well.. sad. dont have. its ok, lalala. bought damn shiny ones for the rest.
to people who are in depressed mode, DONT. just when im getting all happy and motivated you guys walk to me with sad faces. -_-
well, dont.
even if it seems that the world is squeezing you dry or smth.. its impossible that no one really cares about it. because i care >_> and im human.
if life ever gives you lemons, rotten ones, mind you, just chuck em back and request for strawberries. no strawberries? grow em urself D: you make ur life happy. you dont wait for ur life to turn around. why? because you CAN.
dont sit here and groan, you guys dont deserve it.
slaved our assess off for this deco competition, big chance we're winning top few. or even better, first!
we drew and drew and drew..
cut and cut and cut
paste paste paste
hang hang hang..
under great leadership from the more outspoken people and unity within ourselves, we managed to stitch up our messy class in 3 days. this rocks O:
ate yusheng with the rest, i didnt want to, but xiuhui stuffed a chopstickful into my mouth ;_;
begged ben to gimme the utada hikaru cd.. and i succeeded :D am going to burn it now.
bought my vday presents for everyone. broke. got a pure black bra strap for myself, i wanted neon pink.. but..well.. sad. dont have. its ok, lalala. bought damn shiny ones for the rest.
to people who are in depressed mode, DONT. just when im getting all happy and motivated you guys walk to me with sad faces. -_-
well, dont.
even if it seems that the world is squeezing you dry or smth.. its impossible that no one really cares about it. because i care >_> and im human.
if life ever gives you lemons, rotten ones, mind you, just chuck em back and request for strawberries. no strawberries? grow em urself D: you make ur life happy. you dont wait for ur life to turn around. why? because you CAN.
dont sit here and groan, you guys dont deserve it.
Monday, February 12, 2007
umm, alright. one thing to make clear.
IM A VIRGIN OKAY >_> a pure, small lil virgin.
andddd, well i sorta asked for it. tho i really appreciated the help, -haha, chilli- i think.. nah. let it be a lesson to me. O: thanks guys (:
stayed back till late and drew many many many little pigs. cut some, hypered abit, and ate snacks :D
had some fun giving big shot retorts and stuff X: well, a LOT of fun. its easy lah lmao, just refuse to let any shit get to you. you just pick it up and chuck it back to em. X: muahahaha~
learnt it from trainer danny. woooo
looking forward to booster session.
IM A VIRGIN OKAY >_> a pure, small lil virgin.
andddd, well i sorta asked for it. tho i really appreciated the help, -haha, chilli- i think.. nah. let it be a lesson to me. O: thanks guys (:
stayed back till late and drew many many many little pigs. cut some, hypered abit, and ate snacks :D
had some fun giving big shot retorts and stuff X: well, a LOT of fun. its easy lah lmao, just refuse to let any shit get to you. you just pick it up and chuck it back to em. X: muahahaha~
learnt it from trainer danny. woooo
looking forward to booster session.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
alrighty, that taggie on my tagboard.. ignore it. (: its going to be 100% private. decided not to show it to the public..
saturday was funnn~
stood on the chairs, hugged everyone, sniffled and sang~ haha.
i must remember their faces somehow ;_;
ending ceremony, was glad that i asked mum one last time to attend. danny was looking all disappointed and stuff, then we all bth liao, go call. X: she really went. woah.
he repeated the theory and stuff.. and i was regretting not going to the opp sector, cuz our grp was there.
lucky im not in opp sector, or i would have NEVER stood up and grabbed the mike.
my friends, chers, parents > my shyness :D
sherman also went up, now i understand his actions liao. deserves respect :D gave him my little slip of paper, showing how much i appreciated his smses last time :D
kenny!~ my mum saw him and was like omfg its kenny its kenny its kenny! haha, proud of you!
xiuhui was being all sweet and stuff on stage, wanted to scream her name but cannot X: my voice suddenly went on MIA mode.
Pawannnnnnn~ shiok :D got leadership qualities seh. -salute-
My friends.. i shant list who.. was quite supportive lmao. smsed, hugged, patted, talked, gave tissue , lalala. even jinlong .. mingxuan those people shouted nice words to me ;_; i want to cry~
on to.... VDAY!
hehehe. i drew some picts, not all, mind you. havent even coloured. but im scanning some random ones in.

jiahui mint
kenny .. and the.. guy i associatiates with muahchee :/

hmm, my pic = more detailed.
your pict = no details, notice?
because im doing a sketch for mine, while you guys get coloured and outlined versions, so i decided not to complicate the pic with shadings and lines. ill fix it all during the colouring process.
its not being biased okay X: have a reason.
the landscape coloured A4 size group pic, i wont put up. (: its mine and mine to keep :X or ill draw and photocopy or something.
alright, off to study. everyone please wait for me hor ;_; ill be back on msn soon. but for now.. prolly at abt 7~9 ill be on com. i think.
little update, minette's blog reminded me to put up the picture..
saturday was funnn~
stood on the chairs, hugged everyone, sniffled and sang~ haha.
i must remember their faces somehow ;_;
ending ceremony, was glad that i asked mum one last time to attend. danny was looking all disappointed and stuff, then we all bth liao, go call. X: she really went. woah.
he repeated the theory and stuff.. and i was regretting not going to the opp sector, cuz our grp was there.
lucky im not in opp sector, or i would have NEVER stood up and grabbed the mike.
my friends, chers, parents > my shyness :D
sherman also went up, now i understand his actions liao. deserves respect :D gave him my little slip of paper, showing how much i appreciated his smses last time :D
kenny!~ my mum saw him and was like omfg its kenny its kenny its kenny! haha, proud of you!
xiuhui was being all sweet and stuff on stage, wanted to scream her name but cannot X: my voice suddenly went on MIA mode.
Pawannnnnnn~ shiok :D got leadership qualities seh. -salute-
My friends.. i shant list who.. was quite supportive lmao. smsed, hugged, patted, talked, gave tissue , lalala. even jinlong .. mingxuan those people shouted nice words to me ;_; i want to cry~
on to.... VDAY!
hehehe. i drew some picts, not all, mind you. havent even coloured. but im scanning some random ones in.
jiahui mint
kenny .. and the.. guy i associatiates with muahchee :/
hmm, my pic = more detailed.
your pict = no details, notice?
because im doing a sketch for mine, while you guys get coloured and outlined versions, so i decided not to complicate the pic with shadings and lines. ill fix it all during the colouring process.
its not being biased okay X: have a reason.
the landscape coloured A4 size group pic, i wont put up. (: its mine and mine to keep :X or ill draw and photocopy or something.
alright, off to study. everyone please wait for me hor ;_; ill be back on msn soon. but for now.. prolly at abt 7~9 ill be on com. i think.
little update, minette's blog reminded me to put up the picture..
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