well, well.
it pays to stay calm after all.
phone broke. and yadda yadda yadda.
was feeling so devastated because of the lack of songs to help me sleep ..
i got saddened over the mp3 files inside instead of the others LOLOLOL.
decided to take advantage of my bad mood and took the time slot ytd to chat~
anyways, i revived the music playing part of the phone omg :3
my healing hands cured its most critical injury!
the top part of the slide phone is ..dead alr. im lucky the music playing button can still work :D thank god.
my persistence irritated the high heavens enough to return me my beloved music ^^ felt like ive won a bloody war LOLOLOL. the joy, the relief!
moral of story: dont give up just because the odds are not in your favour LOL. X: crazy me.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
da da da~
ME ME ME!! i actually passed omfg. i love chem ! love love love!
even elite classes cant compare with me because their marks are too high to enable them to score a 40 marks improvement! somehow i feel like im insulting myself :X
mmm, got another 10 songs ..
one is a techy song that sounds SO weird. esp outro. intro. both. but damn cute omg. Ai otsuka- Love. should be correct spelling :/ but its sooo cute.. so so so cute. i actually chose this over heroine and that sakura song LOL.
must watch the mv ><
got caught in appearance check! of all teachers, the strictest one must come -.- darn. my clean record is gone.
got bullied XD hahaha, dont think that im small fry kthx, i give you all face only LOLOLOL. scare you allll ahhhhhh, huh?
im trying my best to hold back the emoticons.. but i doubt it makes a difference LOL. its that techy love song, i swearrrr! feel like putting it on loop already X:
oh yea, reminds me.. i drew a ninja + samurai + korean warrior omg. with katana and kimono summore omg omg omg. with shurikens too omg omg omg. and with korean decorations too omg omg omg. but i lazy upload ><
ninja. sugar ninja army. LOL.
went home with pks and les lalala.
can you believe it, he actually need bodyguards to accompany him home wtf.
i was complaining like @%#^#$^%$ about wanting to return home but he gave me that pathetic looking face and threw a tantrum. yes a tantrum.
went to multistorey parky during the journey and got bullied *refers to para on top*
they were actually spitting pearls everywhere kthx , esp at me -.-
sent pks home, then les and i went for the train, arguing about whos darling is nicer LOLOLOL. mine owns kthx. X: and of course about shermy :/ *happy, pks?* last thing i remembered was about him telling me to quit smiling at my phone in public XD but i cant help it, sorry LOL.
thats it. THATS IT. happy? -.-
ME ME ME!! i actually passed omfg. i love chem ! love love love!
even elite classes cant compare with me because their marks are too high to enable them to score a 40 marks improvement! somehow i feel like im insulting myself :X
mmm, got another 10 songs ..
one is a techy song that sounds SO weird. esp outro. intro. both. but damn cute omg. Ai otsuka- Love. should be correct spelling :/ but its sooo cute.. so so so cute. i actually chose this over heroine and that sakura song LOL.
must watch the mv ><
got caught in appearance check! of all teachers, the strictest one must come -.- darn. my clean record is gone.
got bullied XD hahaha, dont think that im small fry kthx, i give you all face only LOLOLOL. scare you allll ahhhhhh, huh?
im trying my best to hold back the emoticons.. but i doubt it makes a difference LOL. its that techy love song, i swearrrr! feel like putting it on loop already X:
oh yea, reminds me.. i drew a ninja + samurai + korean warrior omg. with katana and kimono summore omg omg omg. with shurikens too omg omg omg. and with korean decorations too omg omg omg. but i lazy upload ><
ninja. sugar ninja army. LOL.
went home with pks and les lalala.
can you believe it, he actually need bodyguards to accompany him home wtf.
i was complaining like @%#^#$^%$ about wanting to return home but he gave me that pathetic looking face and threw a tantrum. yes a tantrum.
went to multistorey parky during the journey and got bullied *refers to para on top*
they were actually spitting pearls everywhere kthx , esp at me -.-
sent pks home, then les and i went for the train, arguing about whos darling is nicer LOLOLOL. mine owns kthx. X: and of course about shermy :/ *happy, pks?* last thing i remembered was about him telling me to quit smiling at my phone in public XD but i cant help it, sorry LOL.
thats it. THATS IT. happy? -.-
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Butterfly themed this time round, what boredom mock exams must have given me :D
A teeeeeeny piccy *icon, more like* is included in the butterfly design (: same concept as my A/E designing -wink- hard to spot if you guys dunno whats A/E LOL. i was forced to come up with new designs by someone last year :/ so yea. she ALWAYS throw me the hardest challenges LOL. but im not complaining... cough.
back of wrist is prettier, but i lazy take piccy.
iono what medicine my mum stuffed me ytd :/
GREAT appetite today. so yea, i chowed down all the stuff and felt my stomach complaining. and i chowed sommore again. and.. yea you know the cycle. that heavenly taste.. nothing can deter me from eating it LOL.
..btw, i was referring to the cheap mayo in school LOLOLOL. something i hated in the past.. now im completely addicted to it o_o'' sour zomg :DDD everything is perfect with mayo now LOL.
and SOMEONE said hes gonna attitude teacher righttttt, wheres the attitude? huh? HUH?! X:
hahaha, and as promised.. thanks for being extra and sending me 10+ songs instead of one! :)
extra extra happy today, normally its just extra happy for these past few days :X
i get crap and humor stuffed into every second of my day in school~
but majority of the happiness is still contributed by .. :DDDDD
shove off joo people no ones gonna get the ranking that is reserved for him bahahaha
LOL. dont thrash me tmr XD
and a shout out to those little lurkers out there! HALLLLOOOOO! :/
PS: Oh yea, I PASSED THE HAIR CHECK WAHAHAHAHA !! tied my hair up and pushed fringe to side.. was feeling sooooo ruined that i buried my face in my hands the whole time :X looked so heartbroken that even mr yip asked whether im ok anot. but the hell is over ^^ i get to keep my hairrrrrrstyleeee
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
i finally got a taste of fear LOL
first time.. its the first time i felt so intimidated o_o'' not by force, not by words, by just.. by the presence LOLOLOL
maybe im just not used to having someone following me everywhere.. i finally understood the feeling pks was telling me :X hes like a stalker kthx >< but well, i know hes just being sociable but.. o_o is this getting abit extreme? everytime i twist my head to the back, i see a pair of eyes staring at me O_O
was feeling abit uneasy during mock le
then on to recess, glad i was vain X: toilet ftw, hide hide hide
then after sch crossed paths again omg
my god. my heart cant take the strain o___o must.. clear.. things.. up.. asap.. >< before situation worsen..
ah well.. BEVERLEY! YO! :DDDD dont ask me why im shouting out to joo :D
talked to jiyuen! elite class student vs 4E student, should i say more? her voice is so tinkly, so tinkly.. *jealous*
and heres a tribute to my friend! was forced into it. ):
THANK YOU for all the help and support and advice and nagging and crap and humor AND INFLUENCING ME TO SKIP ALL THE COURSEWORKS! the end.
but seriously.. thanks :) esp for the last point. X:
speaking of courseworks, im dead X: 60% fly away alr.
managed to sneak something critical out tho, hint hint ^^
i can be teh assasin ^^ hiding, running away from teh teachers, stealing and smuggling info 24/7 LOL.
i finally got a taste of fear LOL
first time.. its the first time i felt so intimidated o_o'' not by force, not by words, by just.. by the presence LOLOLOL
maybe im just not used to having someone following me everywhere.. i finally understood the feeling pks was telling me :X hes like a stalker kthx >< but well, i know hes just being sociable but.. o_o is this getting abit extreme? everytime i twist my head to the back, i see a pair of eyes staring at me O_O
was feeling abit uneasy during mock le
then on to recess, glad i was vain X: toilet ftw, hide hide hide
then after sch crossed paths again omg
my god. my heart cant take the strain o___o must.. clear.. things.. up.. asap.. >< before situation worsen..
ah well.. BEVERLEY! YO! :DDDD dont ask me why im shouting out to joo :D
talked to jiyuen! elite class student vs 4E student, should i say more? her voice is so tinkly, so tinkly.. *jealous*
and heres a tribute to my friend! was forced into it. ):
THANK YOU for all the help and support and advice and nagging and crap and humor AND INFLUENCING ME TO SKIP ALL THE COURSEWORKS! the end.
but seriously.. thanks :) esp for the last point. X:
speaking of courseworks, im dead X: 60% fly away alr.
managed to sneak something critical out tho, hint hint ^^
i can be teh assasin ^^ hiding, running away from teh teachers, stealing and smuggling info 24/7 LOL.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Read an article on R.D. about some church pastor giving out purple bands to help people stop complaining.
Got inspired.
flashback to background info :X
Was doing chi mock ppr with the rest of the sec4 cohort in the lecture theatre.
the two chi teachers were hollering like crap at us, in order to get us to settle down..
and so i thought of the KITTEH BAND!
just draw a kitty with its tail wounding around joo wrist, cheap and easy. when you are angry, look at the innocent kitty face and feel your anger melting away :DDD
^^ everything is copyrighted to shan LOL. book in background not mine tho :X
and my instinct was wrong AGAIN wtf
ill admit that morning musume owns all with their songs ><
i thought with such a weird band name.. they will produce weird songs too X:
i feel so happy >< even tho we got hollered at.. from morn till noon..*first day of sch, mind you* its ok. :/ i skipped coursework to reward myself X:
tho actually i was putting my phone at priority only. my heart shattered when i saw it in low batt LOL. tinker tinker tinker. just wanna rush home and charge X:
well you dont get a dedicated post, will a dedicated paragraph do? :D ill even add in act cute smilies. :DDD
i :wub: joo toooooo ^-^
Monday, May 14, 2007
Shan, you totally phail. -_-
today's makeup tuition is.. heart wrenching LOL.
Irene was struggling with the question.. and in my heart i was like, NO DO IT THIS WAY DAMMIT!$!#%^
i cannot speak up ><
but hem, she taught me alotta stuffies too :]
exams ..
1st time snoozing .. teacher thought i was sick.
2nd time snoozing.. another teacher made an announcement using mike and woke me
3rd time snoozing.. another teacher woke me ;_;
wassup lah you all T_T
but ill pass. i hope. fingers crossed.
today's makeup tuition is.. heart wrenching LOL.
Irene was struggling with the question.. and in my heart i was like, NO DO IT THIS WAY DAMMIT!$!#%^
i cannot speak up ><
but hem, she taught me alotta stuffies too :]
exams ..
1st time snoozing .. teacher thought i was sick.
2nd time snoozing.. another teacher made an announcement using mike and woke me
3rd time snoozing.. another teacher woke me ;_;
wassup lah you all T_T
but ill pass. i hope. fingers crossed.
Sunday, May 13, 2007

bottom part of piccy is crap. i wanted to do a top down view, then changed my mind for the sake of the dresses. thus im stuck in the middle. lol >_>
flustered flustered
sorry to people who msged me and stuff to get me to go online lol >"<><* and stuffies. yea, so 80% of the time online.. ill spend it emo-ing cuz ill be getting lectures behind me, beside me, blah blah blah yadda yadda dont expect too much lol. its the same old circus ._. gameeeeeeeeessssss might be a problem >< 3 pending proposals for me to choose from lol. If i get one ill stick to that one aka will rarely touch the other two games unless someone pesters me to.
so yea, its a choice between two different factions LOL. but trust me, the moment i get stuck on a game = the moment i go online 24/7 O_O iono, games enables me to break rules and feel happy about it.
hmmm. thats all. will update if..i..remember..anything.
oh yea. need study group :). cuz parents are giving my tuition teacher the sack next week alr. yea, go out..and.. study. :) :) :)
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