U P D A T E :
learning how to blend, haha. mousework as usual. it doesnt look mangaish anymore T_T i dunno what style im using T_T i just.. draw. want to cry ahhhhh.. whyyyyy.. this thing is damn hard to master lah, and it just made me more determined x5 alr. zzzzzzzzzz~

my fingers are glued together yay ;_;
was fixing the lil hooks onto my clay stuffies.. i think i exerted too much force on the tube of jewellery glue ;_;
it kinda.. squirted out and hit my hands. straight on summore.
it felt as if.. my skin is turning into stone LOL. the hardening feeling.
went like oh shit oh shit oh shit and plunged hands into water. took some time to wrench my fingers apart -.- now thats scary. managed to salvage whats left of my hand, hahaha, but my nails are officially ruined. i simply cant remove the stupid glue from my nails. !@$#%^#^.
made pencil, moon, octopus, 2 pigs, carrot, tomato, cherries. 8 stuffies now :D dont feel like selling suddenly, i cant..bear..to.... T_T
bought ice cream and lollipops for everyone today.. tho my wallet is screaming.. but.. its worth it.
. hahaha. i like my sis when shes not being a brat.. must keep her that way :D