Saturday, March 17, 2007
you will see the significance of this spam post tomorrow, when everything is updated.
Friday, March 16, 2007

Left, anticlockwise,
My bag, Kenny, Kenny's mum.

Pks's birthdaycard :D i wont tell you whats inside!

Pks, sis, waitress X:

fondue! me + sis choped 90% of the marshmellows + strawberries.
pks dumped a cuppa nuts into choco sauce!

what pks and me gave to kenny's mum :D cheapo $10 pooh in exchange for a $100++++ feast! :D
was fun, kenny looks better than ever, to my pleasure. cant start charming socks off girls soon le O:
pks was pks as usual.
im not gunna post my pict muahaha. i dont have em anyways.
tadaa. end of big day. satisfying. :D H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y A G A I N ! ! !
its WAY harder than i imagined it to be -.- dont ask me why im still posting, i know i promised im gunna make this a photo-only post for today -.- heck, ill post another one about todays' big day.
currently on the brink of hurling vulgarities to this almost empty piece of paper lying peacefully on the table in front of my sorry self. >_>
i need more! uniqueness! originality! IDEAS! kns!
well, lil piece of paper, dont smirk at me with your many particles of smushed up tree trunk. im not a person who accepts defeat just like that. i dont care if im the only one in school with this hobby, i dont care if im not in the mainstream, i dont CARE if im on my own about this. D:
if im bent on doing something, nuthing is gunna stop me muahaha.
i still have a few more mths to go, maybe im trying to do too much. but nonono, i aint gunna make excuses for myself.
yes, this is going to push me back into an extremely anti social lifestyle. friends, be prepared. hehehe. you people are seeing a legend in the making! :D [lmao, xiaxue-ness] im putting down everything i should be caring about, and focusing on the plans. including studies and meetings. have to work on it during lessons too, hummm~
its worth it. my own world! total control! mine! :D
Thursday, March 15, 2007
blackbird[c]shilin ftw, can get site from me if interested! its all about legends and magics and assasinations and deep secrets and stuffies.
uh. thats abt it i guess, getting back to reading soon. kekeke.
i wont be posting mucha works for now, maybe once a week.. or once a month[?] IF i ever decides to carry on with my secret plans. [still remember the post about my other side scolding me for not drawing guys? wink wink]
this is a post of appreciation for the people who kept my passion burning. a lil tribute to you guys. maybe ill include you guys in my plans. [wink wink wink] it will be available on a personal website ..soon. cough paypal owns all cough [wink wink wink wink]
Thanks to..
kenny, jiahui, boss [happy birthday boss!]
wonder why, i like calling him boss. mn is long gone but the memories shall stay! we the admin/moderators will never die!
DA, bld-related lovelies , friends for inspirations..
THE manga maniac in 4E [wink] anddddd.. all the polite compliments.
i wont be updating this blog much from now onwards unless im at least halfway thru the planning process. if im despo to post ill go to my other one. yea, dont really wanna make em 100% private le. only safe eyes shalt peeketh. :D
tata, my darlings.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Who seals our fates and controls our lives?
The Puppeteer. (:
mmm, lazy to colour, 2nd piece in a day. first is below, the one with the mushrooms and black mist.
reference used: my hand.
tools: pencil,eraser,pen,my hand.
i MIGHT colour it, IF i can find another guide on colouring.
ps: left hand is big cuz its in the foreground, while the rest is smaller cuz they are in background. features seems squished tgt because the head is tilted up. i wont tell you why im listing all these down -_-'' too lame to be typed.
i really wanna make it all dark and gloomy, should i? huh? should i?! T_T every single fibre in my body is telling me to edit the top half..
someone please agree with me! T_T

huuuuuuu~ T_T my heart....
I DONT CARE LE #%$#^%$&^
ill be editing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 12, 2007
[c] *zeiva
this piece of art..really.. REALLY made me stack another 20% more determination on my 100%. i know i will be able to colour + draw like a pro someday. i must. D:
he took a damn 12 years while i only practised for 3. this means that i have more than enough chances to seriously train and push myself.. raise my standards to one capable of DA. thats my wish, actually.
i worked my way thru all this just to get into DA. LOL. its full of hope.. producers and impt ppl all gathered in there like sheeps. someday, one will notice me. nod. just hope that DA wont close down anytime soon x:
heard a song on radio and nearly choked on my mashed potatoes. is she the same woman who sang 'hurt'?! wtf. where did her meaningful lyrics go?! 'sweet chocolate sugar coated candyman/baby [i really dunno which word she sang] ' ...bwg >____>''
i practically sobbed on the streets. D: standard deproved le, aiyoh.
ill post up another coloured work tomorrow, think ill take more time... its pretty huge, the project. have to really push my colouring standards.
Sunday, March 11, 2007

into.. this..?

but since it didnt turn out ruined, who cares.
Used: Cheap Watercolour, Cheap Colour Pencils, Cheap Black Pen, ADAM KHOO LEARNING COMPANY'S ART PAD LOL LOL LOL. -yes, THE adam khoo.- Sorry x: i misused this drawing pad. sorry sorry x: ,Cheap eraser, Cheap brush, Cheap tissues, Cheap cotton buds.

Note her eyes, well at least try, i know the camera murdered the details. check the blending. hehehe. im sorry if i appear shameless to you, but im REALLY proud of her eyes, im sorry T_T i spent the least time on it, but still.. colouring was never my strong point, and i did it.. with water colour, mind you. its not obvious on com at all.. even the blue shadow i drew on her eye is gone.
Two parts of the picture is damaged from the water of the watercolour. thought the water dried alr and swished the eraser over it. and tadaa, the paper tore. one, the jewel on her choker. two, her left side of the chin. i did my best to cover the disaster. and it worked. shading FTW. hahaha.
Its the FIRST WATER COLOURED PIECE I DID, PLEASE CUT ME SOME SLACK T_T constructive comments more than welcome tho. please, make me better than before. help me. ^^
Art inspired by Kimdaichi #33~34. Shes the third one to be murdered. sad.
DRAWING IS MINE MINE MINE MINE, SHOVE OFF, MINE! i didnt put any stamp or signature or even my name there, purely because i dont dare to add anything on it anymore D: yea, stupid me, it should have been there before the colouring.