Thursday, April 24, 2008


My 9797xxxx phone line is officially cut off yesterday, due to another climatic peak in the dramas of my unfortunate life. Starting to miss my secondary school peeps - they are the only ones I can open up to up to this date. Not to say DMD03 peeps aren't as good as them, they are great and highly reliable people to be with, but I'm close to neither one of them. Seems that everyone here is too caught up with school to say anything related to their personal lives.

I'm not going to buy the stylus pens that the school wants us to buy ; I'm going to get the Bamboo Fun version instead. Like, come on la, a whooping 85 bucks for a single stylus? I can get the full set for just 200 dollars.. the stylus included. What unreasonable pricing is this @_@

The moment my Bamboo Fun is bought I'm gonna restart my drawing journey. Roar. Now for some visual entertainment..

Best creepy song on Earth.

I researched a little on Eraserhead too. Remember the Visual Audio Lecturer's slides? The movie promo poster for Eraserhead. Creepy stuff. Seems that the main character, Henry, had a uber deformed kid with bandages for flesh.

And now for more pictures regarding this film..

If those pictures hooked your interest, here is the wiki article regarding the sypnosis..

Thats pretty much all. Bye for now, lovelies!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Here I am..

Had a load to get off my chest. Changed the url of my blog in an attempt to run away from eyes that I'll never ever want to meet. Again. You can say that I'm a person who can never ever sleep in peace, hahaha...

Took part in King Vanity's Party aka the CODID assignment from sschool ( NYP ) and well.. I personally think its slightly irrevelant. I can't bear to invest money getting the correct dress/ gown/ proper dressing needed to attend a King's party knowing that I won't be wearing it a second time.. Thats just stupid. So I'm kind of at a total head blockage over here..

Teacher was pretty harsh on us, though I can see that he has really lessened his impact of his words a lot already. So I can't imagine what will happen when I actually hit Year 2. Like what my colleague said, Year 1 would be fun and nice, while Year 2 will cause serious stress. 90% of the people should be dead by Year 3 already lol. Stress.

Learnt that my SP friends started school today~ Hurray for you guys, now you know my suffering~!

I'm currently hooked onto Vampire Knight too, so any VK lunatics.. feel free to MSN me and we can chat up all the time~~~