Saturday, April 14, 2007



" The uneasy truce between the two countries has been broken, for heaven deemed it so. "

i think ill only be able to get a few pages done, at max 1 chpt.. there are many many other projects needing my commitment and effort.

but to say the truth, i didnt really use my brains la LOL. i just make up the story as i doodle. im only up till the bg story's stage.

i know, a lot of flaws in there.. and i mean ALOT. but i lazy edit wahaha. maybe later.
perspective is utterly SCREWED. :D can you even make out what the heck is happening in the main picture? -hint- darker lines in foreground -hint-

when i edit:
bg will be added, and i mean a detailed bg.
lil miss bundle-of-cloth-on-head will have her clothes drawn on in last panel LOL. XXXXX:

and of course, i didnt put in speech and dialogue in the 1st panel. use your imagination LOL. make a guess. winner gets a prize of 10 cents or something.

this is frustrating. corrupted files wtf, i cant open the scans DDDD:

cm'on la, even pros need lineart before cging, not to say me. i think i even need those dot-to-dot lines la T_T


but, heh. had the funniest dream. :D
that dream is something ive been wishing for for quite a long time le LOL.
maybe i thought too much about it.. so even in dreams, it appeared! :DDD
but im willing to bet my $20 that it will come true, one die all die :DDDD
logic owns all. :D

clay is goneeeee :D shd i replenish?

a tablet costs about $700 bucks. if im not wrong.
i needa save for 30++++ weeks plus an extra 10 weeks cuz i know i must use some munnie :/
aw damn.
if someone got 2nd hand crappy scanner or thy mighty tablet inform me pl0x. :D
then ill get a lappie to go along with it. :D

Friday, April 13, 2007


damnnnn youuuuu gravity!!!

walau, i was lugging two huge bags of practical equipment + ingredients to and from school lah, walauuuu.

i pity the whole fnn grp + me lah.

arms and legs aching like dunno what sia u_u

but its kinda worth it, everyone had fun cooking up dishes :D
goodluck everyone, may we score A+++++ or higher!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


do you believe that i can shed 1kg per week O_O i dunno too, but im trying.

the answer will be up in one months' time O_O

need to kill of 4~5kg in order to get back to my old self O_O

yay, found a good person to collab with. well not really collab in that sense, but at least we're doing the same thing. who knows, maybe it might work out to become a real collab O_O

did 3 versions on the class tee design le, heck. but im damn satisfied, hahaha. tho ive landed myself in quite a lot of trouble alr, but who cares, im still happy!
someday im going to master flash and make my own animation. roar.

i cant stop myself from eating that choco crispy T_T after eating some from chaichin's choco box of wonder.. im hooked onto it T_T that heavenly pepperminty taste wtfwtfwtf.
you know what, i was so desperate to save the choco for tonight that i locked it in my drawer and stuffed the keys under my blankie before i slaughter them all in my mouth of doom T_T

now undergoing cold turkey treatment.. huuu ;_;

someone recommend some DA artists to me, i lost the links to alot of them. need em back.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


so tired ;_;
first time i got slightly sick of drawing lol
far too tired i guess T_T
my L drawing is still sleeping in boss's com, but just as well. need a break :D

ive done 3 pics alr! but i lazy upload on com.
but i might host the coloured pieces on DA though..its still empty, shucks.

done my 3rd batch! clay is running out soon..

made the Ultimate pk pt!! ahaha, 2melee, 1 range, 1 mage, 1 support. perfection. have to tone the designs, yawn

my commishes are like .. never ending O:
am very happy of course :D tis a great honour.

went to my secret hideout as usual!! and found something creepy O_O or maybe its just the silence of that place that is causing my paranoid-ness. but all the same, glad to share my hiding place with you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


die lol -.-
the two designs i gave must be merged. guess i have to start work again~~~ this time inked, nod -pwomises-

when i was in bus with jh, i thought of the unthinkable. gasp. i guess its time. the next time im prompted, the next time im prompted..

found my inking style :D tho its abit hard on the pen ink .. but its worth it, yes!

NAPFA!!! ahahahahaha.
sec1! NAPFA pass :D exams pass :D
sec2! NAPFA fail D: exams pass :D
sec3! NAPFA pass :D exams fail D:
SEC4! NAPFA FAIL :D exams..

have you spotted the last pattern? huh? have you?
THAT, my friend, is the last pattern. :DDDDD

huuu T_T i only knew 2 days before that it is two wks to mid year T_T
i only knew two days before that olvl practical is on fri T_T

but speaking abt NAPFA, i broke my record, heh.
sit and reach reached an all high 52 :D
sit ups stayed at 38, constant since last year lol lol lol.
shuttle, 13 secs =.=
pull ups. 7 and im beat LOL. scraped a D.

too tired to make 3rd batch of clay, how how how~

lastly, i hereby declare that....... dont want say oredi bahahaha

Monday, April 09, 2007


when i was walking towards the lib, i walked past a guy. correction, a guy who eerily resembles Yuki zomg. gaped . its almost impossible to find someone who looks like a manga char and tadaa, hes infront of me.

hah, maybe i might see a Rin next. :3

hmmmm, class tee design!
sorry to say..
but i accidently put the designs in a lib book and returned them. :D
wonder what the next borrower will think.
ill redraw everything + inked as a form of repayment ;_; add in one whole page of ideas, portfolio style LOL.

have to squeeeeeeeeeze the whole class in a puny sheet of A4 construction paper.
and draw an angel for ames T_T
what have i landed myself into, huh, what?!

next time, pic requests one pic 10 cents muahaha.
com coloured 50cents muahahaha.
hand coloured + original $100 muahahaha.

oh, and, boss, my precious is in your hands! scanitscanitscanit! :D i cant wait, really!

have made up my mind to avoid hezel during cs :D hes really making the level of guilt in me go wayyyyyyyyyy high up. :D

who knows how this project will turn out to be~
why not take the risk! :DDDDDD

-teleports around-


Sunday, April 08, 2007


time for some cleaning up!! *im abusing this online journal lol, i turned it into a to-do-list alr*

planning, RESTART!! need more grip.
need to find a good way for colouring, im thinking of traditional lineart but digital colouring.. cell shading. or just do it the manga way, black and white.
back to being mesmerized by korean comics.
need to take a crash course in CSS.
thats it :D