Disappointed, basically.
Disappointed by everything. With myself. With people.
I don't like playing mind games.
Things are actually better in office because everyone is really trying their hardest to stay upbeat, lol.
But in here, during the weekends, its like... a tsunami of depression.
I know what I want, but it's impossible to get hold of it now, lol.
Lost my reason to fight, kinda. l:
Everyone is telling me to do this for myself, which is probably the most logical suggestion too.
Carve a path for myself, I will. Lol.
Such a lonely war to fight. But it will be won.
Maybe if I'm stronger
if I can take on more stress
if i'm more confident
I'll finally be able to take charge of my own happiness?
I'll be the one in control?
sometimes i dunno if im doing things to protect myself, or to attack people
maybe its both
such a messed up personality i have.
either way, here's to a new week.
hang on, shanina