Friday, March 04, 2011


a couple hours after the mad rush and i looked at my works with calmer eyes

found a shitload of flaws and errors

is it even worth investing so much for a school event
high hopes = high disappointment lol
what if i came back empty handed
oh noeszxZxz
i emau one corner in my room

i think im just being grumpy because im feeling so tired and sick right now hahahahah


all hail panadol, pears, and water

Thursday, March 03, 2011

come back, lucky

falling sick
fevering full blast
kitchen ran outta the appropriate medicine


i always check my weight using the wrist method
looping my hand over my other wrist, and seeing if my thumb can touch my second pinkie joint

noticed that i can only touch a little below the tip of my pinkie now

fearing the worst
i stepped on the scale


the end

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

cry me a river

feels super helpless watching a grown man cry

realized society sure has been extremely harsh on guys, when it comes to showing weaknesses and being human

today made me realize dudes arent invincible when it comes to emotions lol

the portraits ive drawn of males have always looked strong and prideful
maybe it's time for a change




Tuesday, March 01, 2011

mind = blown

The andy now was never the andy I knew in the past
A lot more confident, a lot more streetsmart, a lot more open. maybe too open.

I knew a bartender may lead a life wilder than an artist's, but damn lol.
Girl cheating guy cheating both cheating
hooking up, separating, flinging, revenging
tattoos clubbing fashion trending
what the |:

If my peep can say my life's like some channel 8 drama show
he can be one of hollywood's movies already lol

I felt kind of... i feel like i know nothing?
Still a baby playing around in the game of life, havent seen the darker side of human nature yet

算了, 脚踏实地的走下这条路吧

and now

didnt watch any weird things
went to bed early
still not working

i still feel so tired, that's the worst part
feels like i havent had any proper sleep ever since a few days ago


Monday, February 28, 2011


another creepy ass nightmare

im starting to see a pattern in causing all of these mindscrews: watching unsettling stuff way into the dawn, and waking up too early.

then i remembered
that game was all about getting people to wake up from their comas, too.

I made my own trip into the other side because I played that game at 2 in the morning, essentially burning it right onto my my subconsciousness

aiyo shan ahhh

Sunday, February 27, 2011


i believe ive been massively distracted with the goals in hand
Having too much fun?
I think I am I:

One-sided storytelling could easily tip boats the wrong way
Cringe worthy.

Cooping myself up in a room is really not helping my quest to happy go lucky my way through the week |: