Her name is Plum,
But her eyes are blue.
Unable to be true to her name,
She wallows in never ending gloom.
Just practicing with my colours. focused on skin and eyes.
Mum came out and blasted the sht outta my shoulders, hands, crap.
" Ya know, only your eyes, ive nothing to say. but the rest are crap :D "
K N SssSsSsS >_> heart break. i can take out my arsernal of colour pencils and stab the hell outta anyone who irritates me again O: and by arsernal i meant 80 est. *tho 80% of those pencils cannot be used -.- too old le*
the lighting KILLED the skin colour. kns x2.
tried to draw the grp pic.. but got artists' block >< i guess i have to wait till the right feeling comes before i get that inspiration back.
i *might* colour L today, seeing that my tuition has been cancelled yet again. but given my laziness i might be distracted and check out the new game AS has in store for us.
oh and btw, check out Anima RPG o_o its pure chimness that even i cannot understand. the artwork is done by my idolllll no.2. sibeh shiok. you even get customized skills, holy snap.
but its not .. a ..really online kinda rpg. -.-;; ill post up the links when i understand everything.
i was tearing up every 5 seconds LOL
and as i type, im still dabbing tissue on my eyes..
how come when people get sick the tear glands turn so active -.-
chi damnnn confident, sure pass well
eng damnnn sad, i screwed up recount *tho report writing is ok*
drew a lil chibi in >5mins. *confirm* lemme show you, nothing special, just a sketch.
alright, so maybe i have another huge proj on my hands ><
this ^ is a sneakkkkk preview , or shd i say, part of the grp photo.
ima draw a HUGE grp photo, 6 people and 6 non-humans chibi style.
STILL havent touched on my L. lazy me.
im not gunna say much today, damn tired. tho it was interesting. i was a 10000% pure irritant kekeke.
stuck masking tape on backs on ppl
twanged ppl with my rubber band
pass things pass halfway
drew fugly picts with their names labelling it
and i ended up going lecture in the end -.- didnt pon. see lah, guai jiu shi guai. :D
commishes.. will.. be.. done.. a.. s.. a.. p..
wheeze ack cough ><
we are the cartoon heroes, oh oh oh~
we are the ones who. last. forever!
mannn, that song was like from years ago. thanks pks for being extra and sending me these additional songs. X:
officially got used to this class after like, 1 year and 2 mths? better than before. i took 1year and a half to get used to my sec2 class. huuu~
and.. the lil grp of gb ppl is exploding seh O: wish that they would just hurry up and create the damned guild T_T the gheyer the name the better. :DDD
re vo lu ti on ar y ! :D
i even drew two clothing-like strips down her front, consider it good alr lah D:
we two teams are redoing the debate. LOL.
that Ben .. after countless begging and pleading and illogical reasoning, he actually managed to save our skins by securing that retest.
new topic is easy crap lol, i can alr cook up many world news in our favour.
lets just hope the oppo team doesnt do any research O: we will surely crumble if they are focused on winning >_>
CIP. i was debating with myself all the way.
[1] Drama and go home, taking full advantage of my fever.
[2] Shut up and pitch in, earn some cip points and help out.
chose the latter.
then the sad thing happened.
the journey from the top of the whole block of flats and down with a mountain of newspapers on our arms made my fever subside -.-
tho i still have slight flu :/
anyways, WHY
i planned to.. get a MC and slack at home..
alot of ppl in class are sick ><
get well soon you guys, me included.
the guys in our grp are quite gentlemanly, doing 70% of the work for us. i would hate to ring the doorbells and feel like some kinda saleswoman. thanks man, i wont holler at joo all if i get owned.
have been wondering, hmmmm. wassup with people nowadays, dun wan say stuff straight to my face de -.- you think im Kimdaichi no.2 ah. -.- might as well tell me straightttttt , i wont bite. i simply cant decipher the hints and clues dropped everywhere.
alright, first things first.
which one of the three lil bastards stuck the staple on my fringe, of all places on me?!
even better, he did it before i meet that oral examiner omfgggg.
lucky min and sab spotted it or i would have died from the trip home >_>
no matter, you three die tonight. ill turn you people into free fraggggggg
even though i was the one who started it first.
but thats not important, cough.
oral exam was ok.. i did damn well for reading, but when it came to convo, i was screwed. went outta point.
New skin soon, themed revolution >] imagine pretty cyborgs, im gunna do it manga style this time, not vectors. its my last major proj before the exams. MAYBE ill submit the work IF i like it.
Cut my hair again. its.. better than the other salon. shes officially my favourite stylist.
clayclayclay! starting a clay pencil franchise LOL
none of us did any research, we have to think right there and then.
the two teams, oppo and pro, both got screwed badly.
in simple terms, we were just twisting the definition of the term '' fashion slaves '' around. no stats. random theories.
eng oral phail. :]
we were hollering to each other alr lol -.-;;
hardest part was the audience, everyone got pwned. when pam bit me, i went '' omfgggg '' and struggled like crap to answer ;;
but my fate was sealed.
answered something like " oh grass is green, ya know, :DDDDD " cough.
but im glad i can actually answer and cook up something to make a stand about in such short timing. even tho its .. off point LOL. -.- in my mind i was like just, oh hang it all, even if this debate is screwed i must still enjoy it and own the other team O:
in the end both got owneddddddd, not my fav ending, but ah well.
checked out the anime's trailer and was blown away.
first thought that entered my mind was
" wtf that girl from zatch bell ?! "
same hair same hair colour same dressing style. owned. almost the same eyes too. owned x2.
but after some scrutiny, i observed that the anime's female char is better looking. so yea.
not baddddd, im highly interested in this O:
and btw, HOW COME MY SUPPLY OF ZATCH BELL COMIC BOOKS ENDED ZOMFG. kaoooo, i want it i want it i want it ;_; their major battle is still not over omfg, and now youre depriving me of the ending omfgggggg.
today is funnnnn. . . . . .!@#@!#%@#%!
im off to rest up and prepare for the major war tonight. YOU. ARE. OWNED. muahahahahaha~#@!@% never expected a betrayal did you BAHAHAHAHA@#$#%

HaruSari: To live for only a day.
Throwing her head back, she gazed at the stormy skies and let out a triumphant laugh.
"This is what you get for exploiting what nature has given you!"
She stood in the middle of the burning city and looked at the charred corpses lying on the roads, as her electronic heart gradually stopped beating.
"This is what you get..
..for creating us."
ok , i have disappointed myself.
if you guys cant find the link btwn the pic and the short story, its ok.
shes supposed to look like.. ' >D '
but i drew her to be.. ' :D ' , so yea.
mousework, obviously. im still determined to draw using mouses, until i get my darling tablet, that is.
feeling unwell >_> running a fever. really regret staying up so late just for a game just two days before my exams >_>
used jingying's pencil to draw today, OMFG OMFG OMFG. how fluid my strokes are, how solid the shade is. ill upload some pics drawn today.. tmr. im going to get her pencil.......!@#@$
woke with one hell of a headache -.-
never play games and multitask till 1am plus sia, you only get suffering ;;
will take this chance to do some researchhhhhh, since my com is takennnn T_T
maybe i might do smth else based on the theme haru sari :/ another skin, maybe. do some vectors and practice with it.
have to improve with an insane spd :/
im running outta time.