Today rained again. Got caught in it . woots. >__>
Sick, we pissed mdm yeo to the extremest level. Guilt nia. I am not the evil type i guess xD
Started to like 3E. Yo, it aint that bad as i thought it will be. Im getting more and more close to them day by day <3 Slowly,tho.
Pigged out. LoL. uber rare for me to pig out.
killed one of my earrings. acci unhooked it >__> next week i repair ba =x
x) I scribbled on my notebook like siao.. all my secrets spilled inside. Must guard it with extra extra extra care now, cant imagine the consequences if its out. =o
But its nice letting stuff out every once in a while. -wub-
Bwaha. did quite a bit of msn-ing yesterday. 3hrs plus and still chatting. =x Of course kena scolded. rawr. i kena scolded sho mani times for you >__>
You owe me big time. =)
Noting really dramatic happened today.. >___> Z. boring ol day.
Last hope is forums and msn .__. C'on , entertain me pl0x!
edit : Did my tarot cards.. thanks for showing interest in it x) um. i didnt tell you my blog add. sho if you found it.. -clapclap- Gossipperrr~
weelll. that is. i really calculated nia. all three. .__. rawr. wunt tell you the result. never will. dont want to sway your thinking. faster get another beginning and prove to me that i am right .__. xDDD
ya la ya la. cannot force de la. x)
Tired of waiting..fasterrrr >__> Flirter nia, piece of cake for you eh.
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