Friday, August 25, 2006


Had a huge fight with dad..what he did..was really..despicable.
i said stuff that i know ill regret..but i didnt know ill regret this soon. he really..came back..and..
im so ashamed. i rather he just walk off and take everything away.
but this is the first time he showed his selfish side.. im fucking disappointed. i respected him. we went through many major fights but this is the first time i feel like apologizing. i really went overboard this time. maybe my screaming can be heard in admiralty or something. me and mum was yelling at him like crap.. and sis was just sitting in the middle and crying ..wah >< first time i scream so loud. lawl. but..this shows that i aint the person i thought i am.. im..sadly..human.

uncle was right >< me and dad will live in conflict. damn his fortune telling.

i feel like im turning into an anorexic...lawl. lost appetite. really no mood.. why didnt i treasure what i had..

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