Thursday, December 27, 2007
With glittering eyes which inspiration was bestowed on,
a plan to create utopia was born .
Resolutions for '08;
* create a webbie
* get started on my web comic
* start building up on my designing foundations
* photography skillz
* refine my photomanip/ drawing style
* procrastinate somemore
Wish me luck, as i am dedicating yet another fresh year to this lofty dream..
* Note: 4years spent on this goal. maaaaaaaaaan.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
oh well. anyways.
saw a lesbie couple in mrt train.. mildly interesting. i never knew cheek pinching can look so wrong.
went for job in-tar-biew! not bad, enjoyed myself actually. gratitude filled wtih gratitude for CCHY, MrTan, and Me for my uber deep passion for art. *HAHAHAHA* But more for mr tan. i never knew that the subject you taught can be put to use at such short timing. thank youuuuu..
phrase of the day: " i never knew ". LOL
hai. dont want to continue typing alr. No use anw ;_;
Night all.
i look forward to the day where i can restart this character :/ 60 more years omg.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Big Swords:
Its damnnnn nice pls. still got battle gloves ..and so on. but i never post all the links.
His designs are.. far out of the depths of my imagination..
Char designs!
Mix of Ninja and Furisode..
Banshee! My personal favourite!
And WHY am i suddenly recommending weapon designs?
*Points finger at MSN convos XD*
But seriously. His works are more than great. I can almost imagine myself using the daggers to..
slice meat to fry in the kitchen :D
Nah. ^^ I always wanted to hold these stuffies. Very unladylike, i know..
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Click to view meh animationz
Anyone has any idea on making the quality of the colours/ graphics better? I alr saved with transparent base. However i didnt export though, i used the 'preview in browser > save pic as' way.. so is the transparent base replaced by white or something? or is it just because of the conversion to .gif format, causing a loss in quality?
And about why the character suddenly disappeared when the 'Minuu' word came up.. i simply forgot to add her in the later frames lol =.='
I wonder which city have such eyes. Her eyes is total wub pls. Have that im-just-a-small-and-ino-kid-dont-bully-me-please look.
Animation is total hell lah.
Im so not going to take any course related to it.
I feel like im being forced by everyone to grow up and face life lol. Yea i know i have to do it sooner or later.. 可是这种心理障碍很难克服耶。。 *Flashback to Olvls chi compre passage - overcoming your fears . LOL. *
To think that i lived life as a little missy and now i have to suddenly switch my ways of living ..
To think that i have never dared to speak up and now i have to handle stuff on my own.. *oh and btw, screw jobs D:*
well im as troubled as everyone else is hokay?!
Im facing new stuff in my life and its only fair that i get to adapt and get used to it at my own comfortable rate what. Though i know given my uber slow adaption rates it will put me in a great disadvantage x:
getting nagged at by more than 3 people is utter hell......
Lol bullshit.
Dont really feel like studying SS. Everytime i try ill end up listening to music ;_;
Im hooked on the older music x trance tracks LOL. Sounds so new and refreshing. Seems that the world is heading towards a retro theme eh, with that sean kingston and mika songs coming up.. And there was another one that i liked, but i forgot the song title ;_; One line of its lyrics = " we rock the satellites " . Thats all i remember orz.
Playing my rougeeee naooo
cus i have nothing better to do lol.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Physics was easy, surprisingly. Can do most of the questions..
Msn holding me back from mapling wtf
flirts deserve DEATH.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
and i dled msn *kudos to my sis* so NO MOAR SUCKEH EBUDDEH
called the job agency today..1st try was lame. =.= anyways i called again and freestyled ^^ not that bad lah. So i listed out some random keywords and got: Mon - Fri, either causeway or jurong point, flexible time, etcetcetc
if its causeway then i know where im gonna go already XD shall just hope i get chosen for the slot or something..
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Fanart of Sora. Yes i know it sucks yes yes yes ;_;
Have to look for work soooooooooooooooon~ Im getting nagged at to work. =.=
not that i hate working..
but being the typical shy and timid person having interviews is equivalent to jumping off a building orz
and im scared that i might not be competent enough ;_;
putting on billions of layers of foundation wont even help in covering up my blushing, i think.
Monday, October 29, 2007
" RIGHTO, ready, shan?! " I muttered to myself, sliding a hand into my pocket and fingering a small, hard candy. The candy that a teacher gave to me! *gleam*
The exam started right on the dot. I unwrapped the blackcurrent candy, feeling the confidence rush through my very fingertips. Popping the candy in my mouth, i gave a wide grin to the back of Vincent's head. *STATS X100000000000000000000*
I nearly guffawed out loud. Sniggering silently to myself, i bent over the paper and started working on it, mouth flooded with the sheer pleasure of blackcurrent flavours.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Eg. A guy decided to rob a bank in order to feed his family. To others its a criminal act, but to him, hes just trying to help his loved ones survive.
People just act according to their instincts.. their own sense of justice. so to put it loosely, theres no such thing as evil acts. or good acts.
random muse.
LOL im lifting parts off my random speeches everywhere in order to piece up this blog post.
went through total hell in order to bring his gift to light. But the torture was worth it ;_; stress levels were rocketing LOL.
That piece can top my masterpieces already, i put in so much effort to create the frame.. ah. shading, details.. especially the flowers <3 they look so real.
The spiffiest thing is that, its not just a lousy piece of picture! Im creating a short series to record the past months XD
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH jealous yet joo guys?! /arrogance
But i think its going to bring more sadness than joy.. this story is just.. tragic.
" I think we're just like Romeo and Juliet, just that they didn't have mobile phones. "
btw, i got it wrong. im not in love with techno at all. from the start ive been obsessed with trance. only noticed the difference after researching in wiki. TRANCE TRANCE TRANCE ~ ~ ~
Friday, October 26, 2007
thats why
•SHAN• Fellow artists! says:
if you want to be a designer
•SHAN• Fellow artists! says:
be the best
•SHAN• Fellow artists! says:
or else you will have to take the shit from clients
roar D:
Listening to technoooooooh. not bad.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Its probably off the trend alr but heck
hmm read the last book of deathnote just now, felt abit sad.
Actually both light and near are ruthless to the point of being criminal in order to bring upon justice in their own definitions.
Theres no such thing as " good guy " or " bad guy " in the story lol, just like Ragnarok.
Near disappointed me for abit lol, i thought that he was the more compassionate of the two.
Matsuda finally became of some use =.=
Ryuk was great in that 180degrees personality change. He actually looked intimidating.
And oh, stupid, stupid Misa.. get a better guy already. D:
Monday, October 22, 2007
life has become so much plainer without beetle the beetle.
im looking forward to chem paper..
and Pixy stix simply owns all D: i just cant bear to eat it!@$!%
Im going to have to keep a look out next time.
Pixy Stix is a powdered candy packaged in a wrapper that resembles a drinking straw. In the US, they are popular during Halloween. Pixy Stix are made by Willy Wonka and similar products are made by other companies. The candy is usually poured from the wrapper into the mouth. The ingredients in Pixy Stix are as follows: Dextrose, Citric Acid, less Than 2% Artificial and Natural Flavors. Pixy Stix are a registered trademark of Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. Vevey, Switzerland.LOLOLOLOL whats wrong with me, researching abt pixy stix in wiki ?!
hmm. have fun studying~
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Going to rage wars in RP thread to work off my unhappiness.
I had a terrible blister, im sneezing every few minutes whenever im in my room, i screwed up chem - oh yes, my dears. chem.
At least i got Zinc right. Damn i should have written chloride or carbonate.
The experiment is complicated like hell. spanning two whole pages pls.
Physics spanned for around 5 pages.
Easier than chem by a far margin. Lets hope it can pull my marks up.
Sis made me feel better tho. Was playing toys with me XD
•SHAN• calcium hydroxide + nitric acid = ? says:
its how i got my 2 marks you know
•SHAN• calcium hydroxide + nitric acid = ? says:
i was late for prelim prac
•SHAN• calcium hydroxide + nitric acid = ? says:
then no time do expermient
•SHAN• calcium hydroxide + nitric acid = ? says:
so i copy whole table
•SHAN• calcium hydroxide + nitric acid = ? says:
correct answer =.=
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wah people change so fast one. whatever happened to the past.
no fun.
ive been working hard to save my skin, not that bad. still trying to master digital editing, imaging.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
at first i was like " ew "
but after watching it eat the grains i dropped into the container, i was mesmerized by its cuteness LOL :X
lets hope it wont die so soon :/
Monday, October 15, 2007
Did you guys prepare for Os? I DID WAHAHAHAHA
Did you guys make notes for Os? I DID WAHAHAHAHA
Did you guys burn midnight oil for Os? I NEVER WAHAHAHAHA
but im satisfied all the same.
okay enough about the CAPS.
Im actually still participating in the RP
From evil hell fighter to a godly priest.
And I have a knight! *showsoff*
Saturday, October 13, 2007
so fun.
Wonder if there will ever be another chance to participate in one.
Hime steps back, and let out a yell so big that glasses shattered and cement blocks crumbled. Her anger passes like a huge wave through every living person.
Roots as thick as tree trunks burst out and sailed straight through her chest, impaling the ground her. A loud tinkle can be heard as the roots accidentally broke the invisible quartz orb, which was right in the path of the blood stained roots.
It must be fate.. Hime giggled, despite her deep wounds.
The shattered orb glowed and rose into the air. Hime, using her remaining POWAZZ, made the roots grab the fragments before any of the heroes can move.
The roots thrust themselves deep into the ground, much to the horror or the heroes..
The ground trembled violently and emitted a dark glow. Hime then knew her Master has finally gotten hold of the orb.
You have done well, Hime. Come, i shall take you back.. Join the upper ranks of my undead army!
With one last smile, Hime exploded as she meets death. Come hell or deep inferno, she doesnt care whatever that is happening on the Mortal Realm.
Im going home..
Im done with my first RP.
Friday, October 12, 2007
first day of diet.
Have been substituting a whole jug of water for teh food.
damnnnnn bloated, my jaw feels sore.
The Tale starts HERE! *epicness*
Im playing as bad guy lol ^^ soooo cool!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
PQscrew ups all featured sia.
really reminds me of the good ol maple days man.
rewatch like dunno how many times lol
**i took off the music :D You guys can go to the sidebar if you want to hear it again
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
rest assured,
Im here only to blog *tu duu doooo*
Today is the day i extend both my hands to hold the pretty pink cert + school souvenir. *yes im looking forward to the souvenir more.*
4E is the only class without a class video, hohoho~
really wish shermy will be the speechmaker tho, hes the only one who dare make heavy emphasis on words and display emotion while talking. perfect for speeches lol. Its exactly like MM Lee during his past rallies lol. *hes PM at that time tho* Perfect x201413532566666562245134!
Class tee designs last minute change also, logo also kena slightly alter. *omg* we are back to black yay ~
Lol at ben and me :/ oh well~ i feel your pain man. :/
Cant take much photos also, must rely on friends this time round. DAMN. T_T
And im at a not-so-good mood today also, leave it to me to make the whole class cry if everyone is still numbed by everything. Bring tissues okay?!
Gathered some people to play Cabal with me when its released. :D Bev, Ran, WX, YX! Must advertise more today *hohoho*
Monday, October 08, 2007
taking the bus home was a total torture; an old man was staring and staring at my thumb wtf. yea i know im blessed and holy and all but staring is still plain rude.
found a nice passage.. shall translate it
There was once i saw a film depicting how spiders go through life. The mother spider spun her web, laid her eggs and started caring for her baby. The young spider grew as time passed. Suddenly, out of the blue, a strong gust of wind came and blew the young spider away. the mother made no move to save her child, but instead just stared at it as it flew away. I found it heartless and cruel.
I once saw a little boy flying a kite in a field. The sky was dark and threatening. His mother was persuading him to go home, and finally he relented. He started reeling the line but alas, the line snapped and his kite flew away. The young child started to cry.
I suddenly felt as though i was the little boy, and the kite turned into my own child. A mother's biggest mistake is to always want to keep her child by her own side. And also to hope that her child will return the love she gave.
However, this is impossible. A child's love and a mother's love will never be the same.
A parent's love for her child comes when the child is growing inside her, but a child's love for his parent is only nurtured after his entrance into life.
Parents must understand that their child has already stepped towards independence the moment he is born. Children must wait till they become parents themselves before they can understand and thus love their parents.
Now, when i think about the mother spider, sitting quietly on her web, ill be filled with respect and admiration for her.
LOLOLOLOL translating is hard. but i really like the passage. so many emotions rushing thru me. a slight decreasing of my worries. an increase in my guilt. a tinge of annoyance. dammit people are reading pr0n novels and here i am touching on sociology. i are uncool.
sad pls. I dont like rules and customs D: Prolly dont belong to this sorta era i guess. i needs moar freedoooom
Sunday, October 07, 2007
The slider got problem wtf. All the button thingies are still usable but the screen stubbornly stayed white. Nuuu~
Got into another quarrel noo. No words can describe the anger im feeling argh. Ive plenty of mean words to say but i wont say it out. Really reminds me of the Black family lololol. I think ill do nothing but gloat when i hit 21 lah. best of all, i gots no phone to enable me to complain to anyone T-T
..irritating sia.
Still have to go school tomorrow due to unforeseen circumstances T-T super sway pls.
Matches my dark theme, no? :D MISAMISA shall be your saviorrrrrr...
Saturday, October 06, 2007
credits go to amorkana. * the word is linked *
im revamping this site, stay tuned okay ^^ will be updating this post soon.
nice or not ? D: ill probably change base codings next year ^^
not exactly feeling depressed or whatever. just felt like doing something sad *lol sadist*
hmm not really looking forward to the next year :/ i foresee a turbulent year stuffed with challenges.
Friday, October 05, 2007
im going to rant about brownies.
its total torture pls.
i was melting in the kitchen, my arms felt like lead, and im so sleepy.
i dunno if i did it right or not, was like " damn this thing dammit dammit dammit. faster finish faster finish - -|| "
torture, i say. T-T
i really need a game to play.. neeeeed a gameeeeee.. gaaaaaaammmeeee...gggg-
Wasnt Tryina Look For Anything
All Of A Sudden Couldnt Take My Eyes Off You
I Didnt Even Know If You Could Tell
That You Had Me In A Daze
Sayin 'What The Hell'
Here's My Name, Number
Baby Just Hit My Cell
Loving Everything You Do
Cuz You Do It Well
Dont Know What You Got Me Thinkin
You Aint Even Tryina Play Me Boy
Cuz You're So Good, And You're So Fine
Got Me Sayin Crazy Things, Listen
I Aint Ever Met A Man Like That
I Aint Ever Fell So Far, So Fast
You Can Turn Me On, Throw Me Off Track
Boy You Do It, Do It
You Do It, Do It
You're Doin It Well
I Aint Ever Met A Man Like That
I Aint Ever Fell So Far, So Fast
You Can Turn Me On, Throw Me Off Track
Boy You Do It, Do It
You Do It, Do It
You're Doin It Well
Let Me Tell You How Its Gonna Go
You And Me, Gonna Need A Little Privacy
Dont Wanna Do The Dance, No Do-Si-Do
Im A One Woman Man 7 Days A Week
Quit Tryina Play It Cool
Boy Make Your Move
I Told You How It Is
Nothin To Lose
You Been Starin Over Here All Night For Free
And I Aint Takin No Cash Or Credit, Just A Guarantee
There Aint Nobody Else But Me Boy
Do It, Do It
You Do It, Do It
You're Doin It Well
Baby no need For False Pretenses
Think You Just Shocked Me To My Senses
Everything That You Do Feels Right
Do It, Do It
Do It, Do It All Night
Baby no need For False Pretenses
Think You Just Shocked Me To My Senses
Everything That You Do Feels Right
Do It, Do It
Do It, Do It All Night
first jLo song that i actually liked lol. im returning to msn >< really miss crapping with people lololol. must loosen up must loosen up. someday ill redownload that thing. when im not feeling lazy that is.
i wonder if i can wear a small bit of cosmetics for wed.. *extra big eyes* its time i learn how to make myself look pretty.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
sad lah. the whole of the 3 columns never go school sia. so lonely. i dont want go also already.
my phone is acting up .. dont dare switch it off already. wonder if i should send it for servicing next year or just get another new one lol *shifty*
i need to lie down on a fluffy bed with tropical fruity cocktails beside me omg. couple that with a cool breeze and the absence of textbooks.. rehab ftw
Drawn by sasho, enhanced by mememememe
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
screw marketing strategies screw it screw it screw it T-T
im bursting with boredom already.
hmmm im suffering from one of my man-you-seriously-look-horrible times. and im just mere days away from my big big day! Must take many many many photos, but at the same time i feel that im just gonna ruin the dumb pictures.
Jh wants to come to my house to bake cookies! *gaspeth* speechless. my cookies are eaten by everyone except me lmao -.-
have been doing little sketches in school and found myself praying that i will be scouted by some big shot and given proper grooming :D lololol my naive lil dreams are teh cute. still remember that NP student, her art is PRO. dont think i can ever shine again when i enter poly *nuuuu*
shucks i need moar nice songs. miss msn. wait till i get my lappy, peopleeee
Random trivia!
rose of sharon = hibiscus syriacus.
Nowai. The flower with such an elegant name is actually just.. a hibiscus? T-T
Accidia = Sloth = one of the seven sins
sounds so cool. accidia. *shifty*
Im making a whole HUGE list of names to name my creations.
..Peach is luffff. :D just abit more to breaking teh record!
* pata pata pata pata pata *
* tumble *
* splat *
LOL im lame D:
screw marketing strategies screw it screw it screw it T-T
im bursting with boredom already.
hmmm im suffering from one of my man-you-seriously-look-horrible times. and im just mere days away from my big big day! Must take many many many photos, but at the same time i feel that im just gonna ruin the dumb pictures.
Jh wants to come to my house to bake cookies! *gaspeth* speechless. my cookies are eaten by everyone except me lmao -.-
have been doing little sketches in school and found myself praying that i will be scouted by some big shot and given proper grooming :D lololol my naive lil dreams are teh cute. still remember that NP student, her art is PRO. dont think i can ever shine again when i enter poly *nuuuu*
shucks i need moar nice songs. miss msn. wait till i get my lappy, peopleeee
Random trivia!
rose of sharon = hibiscus syriacus.
Nowai. The flower with such an elegant is actually just.. a hibiscus? T-T
Accidia = Sloth = one of the seven sins
sounds so cool. accidia. *shifty*
Im making a whole HUGE list of names to name my creations.
..Peach is luffff. :D just abit more to breaking teh record!
* pata pata pata pata pata *
* tumble *
* splat *
LOL im lame D:
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
She is a mobile persocom – which is the persocom equivalent of a laptop computer.
( NO WAI D<)
She is programmed to be cute and tends to be quite hyperactive, for example her morning 'wakie wakie exercises'.
( Yes, aerobics! :D )
Once Kotoko joined Hideki, she quickly came to the conclusion that Sumomo was mad, with her nonsensical ways.
( Im not mad T^T )
- Lol, wiki.
Thought of the day: Baking is like alchemy :D succeed and feel the thrill, fail and feel the dejection. * Must level up >: *
EXP TNL: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Very happy today, if you cant see <: chanced on an advertisement that advertises a book with explicit instructions on using ropes, belts + whips while researching my Japanese terms.. man. yuck. its like going back to the primitive instincts lol. play with the prey before eating.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
im so beat beat beat. still not making much progress in terms of studying. ill wish someone will just walk over and slap me on the head to make me snap out of my still-so-happy mood.
saturdaeeeeee @v@
ate the mooncake in the end :D
im off to bake cookies nao.
bye everyone!
* i simply love my hair now. so much smoother than before. conditioner is pwnage. will be walking to school tmr in my new hairstyle * hoho * .
** P E A C H H H H H H H H H I S F U Z Z E H H H H H H H :3
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Lol, I guess you can only relate to weirdos like us. We are outcasts. XD
Yep, outcasts. * :D *
Lol i wont ever forget this conversation.
Should see the pride on our faces when we admitted that we are not regarded as one lol.
* i look very weird on the class video *
hmm was a nice day overall.. had a great chatter with them. and i also witnessed the usage of the BEST mp3 ever. super high tech pls. no buttons no nothing. just gently touch the surface and everything will be under your control. Samsung. roar.
went over to study with beverley. boring. but at least small small small progress was made. we actually concentrated, WOOT! chatted abit. found out that we have the same thinking when it comes to love. we are too determined. lol i wonder. does that make us bad people?
went back home and did the usual stuff. smiled abit at recognition of the usual signs. felt kinda hurt nonetheless. i swear ill never emo again if this is how people will feel when i blow up.
Hmm trying out a new style of hairdressing soon ^^ i think ill get a phobia of mirrors if i dont fix my hair fast enough. still waiting for my hair to grow long enough. then i can stab stab that pin in.
thats it.
i wish that everyone sitting in the two columns right beside the door of the classroom will return tomorrow. i want to irritate many many people :DDD
tata, shan.
We rock the satellites, laa lala laa lala~
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
had quite abit of fun slacking during my stolen PE periods today. their art so nice @_@
what else.
did my SS properly for once.. kinda pleased but i know ill still fail all the same.
I may not be eligible to get that pro CCHY cert ;_; howwwwwwwwwww i want it i want it i want it
i only have 1 sub that passed. need 3 or more to secure the cert.
lets hope moderation helps. ;_;
Pink vaio > All :/
i wish the weekend will come soon :/
Monday, September 24, 2007
have been slathering conditioner on my hair for 3 days straight, results not bad :/
wonder if theres anyone whos interested in playing CabalSEA also, i want guild guild :D then i can spam and irritate everyone :D
binged on many many stuff. and added a carton of milk on top of it :D tmr must start tahan-ing alr.
i wonder if i should make rice bunnies to school :/ or egg bunnies. saw someone in canteen kicking a spoon along to the depository area, i went like '' wtf?! ''. what if the spoon im holding during recess had met the same fate before? holy.. but making rice bunnies sibei mafan T_T
how come nowadays guys all want to look cute and not sexy one D: want to snatch rice bowls with the females ah?
feeling very hopeless D: the mock exam papers are pro pls. panic ah..
lol im typing stuff out in point form
drew an odd comic. partly got motivated by the StrawberryFields ba. That artist's insight into life is.. wow. but either way i finally finished something for the first time. considering inking it. but i very lazeh. and the main lead is a guy WTF. its the first time in my life that i drew a guy as main lead. Only one person saw it :/
tata. *peaches r fuzzeh, plums r sweet, pear is a nice fruit, but nothing beats meat*
have been slathering conditioner on my hair for 3 days straight, results not bad :/
wonder if theres anyone whos interested in playing CabalSEA also, i want guild guild :D then i can spam and irritate everyone :D
binged on many many stuff. and added a carton of milk on top of it :D tmr must start tahan-ing alr.
i wonder if i should make rice bunnies to school :/ or egg bunnies. saw someone in canteen kicking a spoon along to the depository area, i went like '' wtf?! ''. what if the spoon im holding during recess had met the same fate before? holy.. but making rice bunnies sibei mafan T_T
how come nowadays guys all want to look cute and not sexy one D: want to snatch rice bowls with the females ah?
feeling very hopeless D: the mock exam papers are pro pls. panic ah..
lol im typing stuff out in point form
drew an odd comic. partly got motivated by the StrawberryFields ba. That artist's insight into life is.. wow. but either way i finally finished something for the first time. considering inking it. but i very lazeh. and the main lead is a guy WTF. its time in my life that i drew a guy as main lead.
tata. *peaches r fuzzeh, plums r sweet, pear is a nice fruit, but nothing beats meat*
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007

It should read ''Please Flush After Use'' but the pro paint wore off. Eat me too pls *_*

First draft *i like this moar tho*

Final draft. 4e is teh sophisticated and elegant *cough* . looks like a wedding scene to me but oh well ;) its still nice and more importantly, unique [:
waiting happily for class videooo
looking forward to sat sat sat
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new - yeah yeah
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...
I seriously like that scene where that lady was crying black ink :D was like.. my god..
this gave me an even higher level of respect for media and teh arts. Timbaland pwns all~ i swear im going to start drawing in that dark style already *_*
speaking of the dark, im still dead scared of it. but im welcoming darkness more than light now :/ would wake in the middle of the night and wander around my house.. its the only time where i can take a breather, i guess.
cutting my hair tomorrow.. i always seem to enjoy chopping off my hair when in emotional turmoil. * britney spears ftw *
its too late to apologize, its too late~
LOL im repeating that sentence non stop.
Maybe its because of how well i can relate to it. Many people just apologize and later go back to their old ways >: Im now too lazy to express my displeasure lol. but at least im kinda thankful an equal number of people had learnt tact.
i wonder if true mates will accept whatever decision i make >: and understand the reasons behind those decisions >: i wonder when those heaven-sents will appear.
I named it as NightOfTears. <: given my generous donations of water content these days id swear 1% of the water vapour in the sky belongs to moi
Monday, September 17, 2007
and legit is a slang word meh T_T i srsly didnt know. ah well. dam yoo pks for making me infamous >:
cheered up loads after staring at my algorithms tho :D
trying to fix a nice date with bev or xiuhui to get my edible foodstuffs done :D
She stared, seemingly into a space that no one knew existed, that no one inhabited.
Not that she haven't been making any efforts, the girl had been trying to recreate that realm on her own, something that she knew will never come true.
With every stroke of her pencil, she laid down a soft layer of lead on her sketch block, willing all her thoughts and wishes into her piece of work, hoping that an angel will appear and take her far, far away..
In time, her drawings slowly, but surely, lost their shine. Just like how hope is lost, slowly dissolving, bit by bit. Why am i caught in this vicious cycle that i never started? She pondered, pressing her index finger on the edge of her sketch block, figuring that a paper cut will at least distract her from thinking about such unanswerable questions.
Night fell.
The next morning came as usual. The girl woke up to the tinkering sound of her phone's alarm, and readied herself to school, which she was never good at. She trudged to her secondary school, and settled down at her desk. Heaving a huge sigh, the girl took out her textbook and flipped to a random page, not caring what those sentences meant or how important they might be to her. What she saw was ink, precious ink that could have given life to her artworks, ink that could grant her another small step towards replicating her new world.
Turning to the window nearest to her seat, she stared, seemingly into a space that no one knew existed, that no one inhabited.
hmmm. This, is the life cycle of an average daydreamer. dreamers never die, but conditions here are making them hard to continue living >:
Support the power of imagination?
*Note: Small bit of writing done to console myself. Shan's EngRish is still OooOokay.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
chanced onto cabalsea. ooooooooo.
I see the dmg i sian diao. Their dmg system abit odd. graphics also abit too real for me. but when i saw that Astral Bike i was like.. wooooahhhhhh. Dropped from raid boss eh? must pay more attention to this issue someday.
plus your wizard flies when major spells are casted omg. force archers get freaking GUNS in battle mode 2 OMGx2. and holy crap warriors look great with scythes *0* its the first time i actually had taken a slight liking to melee lol.
prolly played too much of mmos, so everything seemed so typical to me.. the interface, the fighting system..
Did abit of digging over at GrandChaseSEA. Nothing to say =.= super 2D pls. reminds me of those miniclip games.
Monday, September 10, 2007
YEY my character look teh secksie!! huhuhu~~~
looking forward to tmr tho~ its time i returned those plastic containers. to think that those little containers are the ones which cleared up the whole truth XD
i wonder what level my friends got to already :/ btw ling ps for not being to reply at the forum much nowadays~~~
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Lol here i am again . thinking of what to tap into this white text box .
Im going to intro flyff to eberione !!oneshiftone!!!eleven
Oh and i went to a taiwanese delicacy foodhouse . it was godly. the service is greater than great, the drinks are not diluted in any way, the food is made with only the finest ingredients.. my god!!! 55555555555/5! Oh and they had superb garnishing. bonus +1!!
abit tired after the visit. didnt study at all *damn*
anyways im trying out lots of new activities.. its time to make a little trip to art friend soon~!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Got a mild surprise when walking to Khatib station from school tho. Senior. so awkward.
Thats all.. dont feel well D:
Thursday, August 30, 2007
all that pondering is driving me nuts.
if i ask i might risk screwing up the situ but at least i would have made my stand
if i dont i dunno when i can start asking again but ill feel more at ease
i think i reached the pondering levels of kira and L alr - -|| stress!
Chemistry was nice. spent some time memorizing the guidebooks. about..20mins? was quite proud of myself but too bad no one seemed to trust my intelligence anymore. i fear my displeasure is increasing at an alarming rate..
i still need my family, whether i like it or not :| and thats certainly not helping matters
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
see i wasnt lying when i said ill draw bikini clad females as rewards~
*sneaks off to post in pangya forums*
Yea here we go for the hundredth time,
Hand grenade pins in every line,
Throw 'em up and let something shine.
Going out of my f**king mind.
Filthy mouth, no excuse.
Find a new place to hang this noose.
String me up from atop these roofs.
Knot it tight so I won't get loose.
Truth is you can stop and stare,
bled myself out and no one cares.
Dug a trench out, laid down there
With a shovel up out to reach somewhere.
Yeah someone pour it in,
Make it a dirt dance floor again.
Say your prayers and stomp it out,
When they bring that chorus in.
this band is great :D i bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it away ~
hmm my room is like my 2nd home alr, i do almost everything in there. its like a home inside a home :D it gets boring sometimes but at least its comfortable and quiet~ the perfect conditions for my drawings and studying :D
did argumentative compo for eng preliminaries. Should homework be reduced given the long hours spent in school? Of course... not! i think my argument is good enough to give me a satisfactory mark. and get some bonus points from teachers. hehehe.
compre was very challenging, but like what i said to everyone else.. i like!! so fun la, reading between the lines and seeing the answer popping right out in front of you. its the first time i actually got into the perfect word range for summary.
maths june paper.. i improved to reach the i-am-this-close-to-the-passing-mark hehehe!
off to slack~~~ hmm i dont think ill be able to access mn that much again :D
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Yay new day :D
bad day actually. i feel so detached with everyone.
yesterday night was total hell. my leg hurt during the whole night.. so badly i cant sleep. tossed and turned till dawn omg. resulted in a nightmare that came true. Morning was total crap. crap. crappp.
doesnt matter if ill end up solo, with no support or whatever. :/ i are a hardy person deep down inside afterall. had a plan b too.. im no idiot D:
lalala. will be drawing a promo piccy later.~ My little characters.. its time for them to shine! Have been stuffing bucket loads of perspective tutorials into my head to prepare for this day! must go get the materials someday. ~
Friday, August 24, 2007
first time i was late for exam, and i dragged my mate along into trouble ._. i really needa pay attention in class.
tho i think i did okay for the paper.
was in 200% panic mode when i first found out that we were late, so i didnt grab my calculator *palmsforehead* and i had to work out all those formulas using my head. i wonder if the school was helping us cheat ._. the answer to the 2nd last question is literally printed on the anions table lmao. or so i think..
im glad i calmed down in time D: or else i would have been so dead so dead.
this week is extra evil in the fact that i got scammed T-T
so desperate to playyyyy~~~~ and feeling so bloated again.. wassup with my appetite nowadays..
i want to play a job that has high spd and dmg and is not common T___T spd spd spd!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
exhausted ._.
thanks guys for commenting on it ^^ i guess ill take the advice ..
thanks again LMAO. so happy :DDD
to think i cheated. hohoho~
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
very bloated..i just cant stop eating, even if its to the verge of throwing up wtf. currently what im feeling now too. its the first time im craving for so really starting to worry for my stomach.. its going to hurt sooner or later from all that binging.
completed 3/4 of the little doll.. i wanted it to look like a (censored) or something, but i couldnt help it and superglued a pretty yarn string to its neck. now it looks like a fairy tale char :D couldnt help but smile at it lmao. so odd >< i screwed up its left eye tho, abit sad ._. and ill bet the cloak will fray in a week's time. wanted to secure the edges but it will destroy the outlook of the cloak leh. see first~ if im not feeling tired ill risk doing those super puny stitches.. daaaammmmmn ><'' i wish i had the strength to lift that sewing machine in the storeroom.
am going to bring it to school tmr and ask for opinions. considering redoing because of the screwed eye and the soon-to-be-frayed-cloak.
but i still love it <3 even tho i cheated and used supa-gluuu~
i want to throw up ó_ò
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
the numbers game is nice~ hoho
i cant believe i didnt get it at first :/
went on a shopping spree for cloth with jh. lol, food at chongpang is nice ><' have been going out pretty much these few days now..
Monday, August 20, 2007
kinda like presenting. LOL. so shan is a introvert who likes to present :DDD i realised that ill really put in my full effort for something when the audience shows their appreciation for my work.. compliments are welcome too :)
i needa be more outspoken.
been doodling and doodling and doodling a lot these days..can see a slight rough outline forming already ~ but i still need a name for her. and her. hehehehehe! the adventures of the pilferers @_@'''
Spider pigggggggggggggg! lmao i cant believe the soundtrack was played on radioooo
Thursday, August 16, 2007

i drew on the block, jinghui and mingxuan carved it out. carving is fun. i should try doing it sometime... must go find resources tmr.
ben and i chatted abt our futures today *lawl odd topic* and we eventually touched on the topic of salaries.
i was utterly shocked at his labelling of a 2k pay job as a " low salary job ". >< lol it sucks being born in a generation filled with rich ppl. getting a degree means 3k and above omg. wonder if i can reach that level of education or not.
if only.
btw DPA closed admission already meh?
guess which design is the one i like best? (:
Shan likes subdued colours today, or maybe shes just not at the peak of her moods.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I need a name for her.. ;_;
This piece is very meaningful to me :wub:
Its drawn at the peak of my performance, and it got complimented by mrs ng T_T omg i suddenly feel a fondness for maths.
Mrs ng: Ahhh..This is your path, you are headed towards designing.. but you cant go anywhere without passing your maths@#%#& DO PAPER NOW!
Ill never forget that sentence.
weixuan called her jigoku shoujo, meaning girl of hell.. and i worked on her bg story from that perspective.
Shes a child. A normal child O:
But the bunny plushie shes holding is possessed by a very powerful sorceress who can summon spirits from hell omg! common storyline omg omg omg
So they travel across some odd unknown world and terrorise random passerbys with spirits
Im going to submit lineart to DA soon ;]
btw im veryveryveryveryvery pissed off at someone D: doh wan tok to you anymoar lah! see how you react the next time i start the attacking instead of you. im not THAT close with you to be able to take those jokes anymore.
Monday, August 13, 2007
no one seemed to understand it wtf. b3 is definitely not a good grade to get for chinese. so why does everyone look so .. bo chap?! can get b3 very good meh?
damn oral.. it totally destroyed my chances of getting distinction.
its the first time i got so upset over one result. the last time i got c5 for chi i didnt even bat an eyelid. - -'
i expected so so so so so so so much from myself, thought i could make it.. bah. could have cried in class ><
left school early. yay i played semi traunt.
dont feel like doing anything anymore. i give up laaaaaaaaaa
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Pangya-ed so much i forgot how i hold my spoon and fork, and on which hand lol. in the end i made do with the spoon for right and fork for left. ah well.
today is definitely not my day. everyone has been extra evil to me D:
the unlucky guy who finally made me snap was that bloody loser who said that im a hacker -.-
what, you dunno how to curve properly while i know means that im hacking lah! Naaaana. May my attacks scar you for life.
well at least i got the cash card :| yay finally some positive news. 7-11 is such a wonderful shop.
Virtual worlds are still the best. its the closest thing to perfection :/
may goddess freya destroy this world and create a better one!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
maybe someday i should go for a haircut. the feeling of the cold metal is rushing back into my mind~~~~~
kena scammed again, the com is 11 days away from being exposed to dangers all over again. great. greaaaaaaaaat.
i want to play mmos, but i cant buddeh anyone for fear of getting suspected all over again~ the feeling of soloing is total , absolute hell kthx. now i cant play anything without fearing for my skin.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
i got to just the edge of breaking a record, but i phailed at the last minute.
I was 0.24y away from making a perfect chip, but i phailed at the last minute.
I should have got that damned 1st prize trophy, but i phailed at the last minute.
was feeling so lousy in the morning alr and now my fav game is picking on me too ;_;
hell, i dont even have the energy to rant anymore.
I feel so sluggish.
lvl up up up up up1111!!!!shiftevenenONEONE!1.
am very inspired to pick up my colour pencils after looking at the styles of endling and pyro. ill go do some random char designing outta boredom (hoho)
and ill be starting a fanart thread soon (hehe) will start to work on it tmr. just need kenny's good old scanner and everything should go fine.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
and thanks for informing me about RO turning into a f2p game ^^
its kinda boring today, i basically sat on my chair and slacked. school was being overly patriotic by blasting those national songs omfg. At first i thought someone got attacked, but it seems that its just the singer shrieking away >.>
chem test was supercool, due to the fact that i answered every question. well i cheated but still~~~
if i dont get at least 1/30 im a worm. rly feel like studying at sch, but whenever i got home the feeling just vanished.
Monday, August 06, 2007
ahhhh, the ups and mostly downs of a female~
bloody moodswings.
The brownies own all tho :D ima try the cupcakes if im ever lucky enough to get another batch of them. hmmm teacher scammed us all by postponing the release of results. other than that i remember nothing.
i know im being crazy by joining a virtual golf game but theres simply nothing else i can do D: besides who wont like free eye candy to oogle at ><
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Either way.. im feeling kinda exasperated. Major communication breakdown >< But even if i can turn back time and restart life i wont do it :/ ill just.. continue complicating stuff till it cant be complicated anymore :D
Im getting lazier and lazier to draw.. the stuff that i REALLY want to depict in pictures are forbidden by my parents >< lol imagine them chancing on my stacks of A4 sized paper. owneddddd.
I dont want to gain recognition for my doodles anymore ._. i just wanna keep them to myself. you can say that i kinda lost a lot of hope already. the years of pain~
Friday, August 03, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dedicated to no one in particular.. yes i know i screwed up Breula's body.
decided to put this blogging thing on hiatus until the feeling of happiness reverses its predicament >_>
No words can actually describe how i feel right now. Petulance isn't even close. eons away, it seems. To think that my teacher was touching on the topic that is troubling me so badly right now just a few days ago, and i was reading harry potter. ah the wonders of fate.
Every single word that everyone has been saying to me today has been pushing me deeper and deeper into fury lah. i wonder how much control i would need to put on myself in school.. id better not be meeting new cases of teasing.
i wont be sharing details with anyone D: the reason im tapping it out here is because i was desperate for a medium to release just a bit of my frustration lol. ask and you shall be ignored. persist and i shall unleash my coldness. Ultimately it can end with me hating any nosey people forever.
tata everyone
with only one com left in my house, i can sense an impending disaster heading our way~ given how heavily all of us rely on the computer for survival, the war should be extremely bloody D:
The house.. is so quiet.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
No time to say hello or goodbye~
lol pretty rhyme that belongs to Alice in Wonderland. I think.
Im awake, but the bad mood still stuck to me. Surprisingly. I wish i can go the violent way and smash stuff up, but being the useless little wimp that i am, i decided to just bottle it all in again~! However thats not exactly a bad point tho. oh well~
i cant continue with my blogskin, i screwed up the monitor on my computer and now it cant show a thing. sorry :/
dont feel like going out out out. i thought i would have turned back to normal but i guess i was wrong. for one i would want some peace and quiet, for another im terrified that my theory on the situation had been totally wrong after all. but the rice is cooked..
..tho i can try frying the cooked rice :D lawl.
it sucks when youre terribly upset, bad stuff always comes rushing into your mind, whether its unrelated or not. I feel like wearing the sign ' Dont talk to me ' over my head already.
Friday, July 27, 2007
W.I.P KAY, ill smooth out the edges and add more details tmr or something. W.I.P!!!
spent hell loads of effort enhancing this image, dont criticise now if you know whats good for you D:
at least wait till this whole image is completed before landing attacks
harry potter book 7 simple OWNS la omgomgomg
snape didnt betray dumbledore after all D:
and dumby isnt as selfless as i think, but hes forgiven, hem hem
and finally. the use of foul words are appearing :D
and harry resurrecting isnt that corny also :/ pat on the back for j.k rowling, she is officially my favourite author now :D
lalala this time i plan to put in a teeeeeeny bit more effort in my skin alr. prolly might span for a few weeks or so? i just wish that the inspiration can last till then :/ ill be doing some serious research into my stock.. kinda disgusted at my lack of effort too.
feeling so torn la, dunno if i should get everyone to face reality or not. putting on an act every single day is tiring for everyone. rawr.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
School was interesting. I was walking down the flight of stairs when i met this group of sec 3 guys. They were openly yakking about intimate stuff in decibels of 100 or something. lawlzwtfbbq. what the hell is this, a trend?
but either way i continued on my journey home. slept for 5 hours straight. and woke up feeling odd. /blush
bev was asking me to join her in dance class.. lol imagine shan dancing hip hop LOLOLOL. is it possible?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
felt so cold during the morning.. then when noon came.. it was so hot. this freak weather screwed my body's system so badly that i went home with my jacket on. and the bloody sore throat isn't helping matters. drinking cold drinks helped relieve the pain but my body can't take it wtffff i need a mc fever fever fever
stupid la nina effect, whats the use of clearing the darn haze at the cost of our health?!
ahhh..even my blankie cant drive away the coldness im feeling. and im still wearing that jacket,mind you
Monday, July 23, 2007
youd better keep to your promise and do the other presentation or ima shove your head down the toilet >.>
and kenny kenny kennynynynyny! thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU for keeping to your promise :D have fun toying with your pigs, with love from us :D ahahaha ima savour that moment at recess~ i was struggling to keep my face straight X:
listening to avril's old album. i really preferred her old style. really. sad.
am very interested her little business idea :/ but its so complicated la omg. but if it takes off, just a bit, ill be over the moon shoot. ive strayed off from my agriculture presentation into bakery businesses~
back on topic.
ROARRRRRRRR cough iscreweduptheslides cough
ahwellahwell. feeling abit emo. i think i can redefine the word lonely or something already.
Friday, July 20, 2007
quote april
found my darling toy.
customised my bottle.
ate ice kacang! prata! malay cakes! lots of stuff!
and still had 1buck's worth of coupons to spend.
but overall im very happy about it ba :X the customising thingies really owns all! and the puppets OMG the puppets <3
i named my puppet DohDoh. yes its linked to a dirty word :D
Thursday, July 19, 2007

The finale :/ i should put this at the bottom of my post but im lazy. LOL at the scream mask. Hongleng, chaichin and peini refused to join in T_T