Dedicated to no one in particular.. yes i know i screwed up Breula's body.
decided to put this blogging thing on hiatus until the feeling of happiness reverses its predicament >_>
No words can actually describe how i feel right now. Petulance isn't even close. eons away, it seems. To think that my teacher was touching on the topic that is troubling me so badly right now just a few days ago, and i was reading harry potter. ah the wonders of fate.
Every single word that everyone has been saying to me today has been pushing me deeper and deeper into fury lah. i wonder how much control i would need to put on myself in school.. id better not be meeting new cases of teasing.
i wont be sharing details with anyone D: the reason im tapping it out here is because i was desperate for a medium to release just a bit of my frustration lol. ask and you shall be ignored. persist and i shall unleash my coldness. Ultimately it can end with me hating any nosey people forever.
tata everyone
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