i think debate sessions started today, double bliss! i actually missed it. shiok ah~~~
kinda miss the comics under my table.
after doing some research and stuff, i gradually found out that i need no WACOM to draw CG. yes, having a tablet will be much better, but i can accomplish the same thing with a mouse. :/
and when i said CG, i mean semi-realism standard hohoho. my first CG piece, stuff it. was disgusting. but for now ill train the reflexes of my hand first. do cell shading.
im contemplating btwn psp and opencanvas.
the test piece is drawn on ppr alr.

- U P D A T E -
whats wrong with the crazy codes *0* do i really have to try out every single combo in there?!!?! T^T
people who have cracked it, tell me your timing pl0x ;_;
for now ill stick with Serif. its lousy but still usable... ;_; will slowly crack a few a day. maybe ill be able to get it i a week?
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