HaruSari: To live for only a day.
Throwing her head back, she gazed at the stormy skies and let out a triumphant laugh.
"This is what you get for exploiting what nature has given you!"
She stood in the middle of the burning city and looked at the charred corpses lying on the roads, as her electronic heart gradually stopped beating.
"This is what you get..
..for creating us."
ok , i have disappointed myself.
if you guys cant find the link btwn the pic and the short story, its ok.
shes supposed to look like.. ' >D '
but i drew her to be.. ' :D ' , so yea.
mousework, obviously. im still determined to draw using mouses, until i get my darling tablet, that is.
feeling unwell >_> running a fever. really regret staying up so late just for a game just two days before my exams >_>
used jingying's pencil to draw today, OMFG OMFG OMFG. how fluid my strokes are, how solid the shade is. ill upload some pics drawn today.. tmr. im going to get her pencil.......!@#@$
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