yesterday night was the worst night possible, omfg -_-
being a side sleeper, i have to resort to putting all my weight on the left side of my body instead of alternating.. resulting in numb limbs LOLOLOL. .....actually its not that funny when you have been woken up by it for so many times.
add on to the fact that it was freezing. i turned off the fan, buried myself under a whole lot of blankies, and im still cold T_T
so yea, might as well dont sleep -_- could have grabbed the time being tortured to finish up on my newspapers and magazines.
the cycle carried on to today! lack of sleep either made me smash into things or made things smash into me. clumsy like @#^#& lah -_- and of course, i got miffed at myself for it.
have to exercise hell loads of control to contain my emotions. doubt its working.
ah well.. i feel like going to field trip T_____T
since im cutting short my mc and going school tmr, why not cut it even shorter and attend the trip.. anything is better than being caged up here. ahhh the agony ><
on a happier note, im recovering. pain is receding already.. i can open my mouth without wincing!
which definitely spells doom for that one oreo cookie left in the fridge.
>_> for the pain that little cookie has caused me.. ima give it hell loads more pain @$#%@#%
bad excuse for wanting to eat it X:
by the way, have been thinking.
If you use panadol, you turn into a bunneh ._.
well, doesnt seem that bad ><
by the way..Love is designed by ai otsuka, not me.
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