uhh, well, this is not the picture i was drawing ytd night :/ i redrew a different one.
the original was wayyy too macabre, not for you lil kiddos over here~ huuu~ :3 plus, i kinda screwed up the painting..somehow. it looks nice in rl ,trust me ;_; but when i took a snapshot of it i went omg. my phone suck at picking up shades.
figured that i need to explain, the piccy on top is randomer than random.
if you ever dissect me and my soul floats out, this is what j00 would see! -well, part of it, that is-
girl: my soul la, my soul!
her hair: random crap, since i like listening to music why not add it in my piccy :/ lookie the main 5 lines in her hair, 5lines 5lines 5lines o_o geddit?
highlights on her hair: bass clef in disguise. pretty obvious.. i think?
beads on her hair: if you dunno what it is then i phail.
tattoo[?] on her arm: its not completed, im still missing one symbol in that tattoo. but iono leh, dont feel like drawing it down >_>'' so i left it like that. but it looks weird doesnt it.
dragon: AHAH. i wanted smth to represent art. so i drew a swirl. ugly. then i changed it into a rainbow. too saturated with cuteness. THEN. i changed it into a dragon. case closed weeee~
bats: my mood :/ when im happy they look cute. when im in angst they grow horns. when im sad they lengthen their tails.
on to my exam..
drama drama, i was like omg omg omg chiong chiong chiong go go go!
when i finished i was flashing sick smiles at those who werent done yet LOL LOL LOL
sorry, but im really too happy LOL
the examination hall is north pole in disguise. my teeth were chattering faster than a sewing machine. how i wished i had brought my blanket to school~~~
but the chill is good in the way that i cant fall asleep, too cold LOL.
topics .. as you know, i didnt study. as usual. BUT. lucky got one topic im quite strong in. i hope. ill be grateful if i can just scrape a teeeny weeeeeny pass.
lalalalala, im offfffffffffffffffffff~
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