Monday, March 09, 2009


New animator/ film director to watch - Mr Andrew 'Andy' Huang.

Two of the stuff that caught my eye :

The Gloaming
-Essentially another Paprika animation haha. It's a cycle within a cycle WITHIN a cycle. I'm amazed people can even think up such intertwining loops. It's mind boggling.

From my own interpretation, I think the video is trying to show how people get so caught up in work that they don't even know they've trapped themselves in a vicious cycle that they can't get out of.

Doll Face
- I posted it up a few hours ago, but I thought I'll elaborate on this more now that I've decided to be a full feature in here.

It's creepy shit. Done in a whole array of software, with MAYA 6.0 included. Animation is smooth, meaningful, hurts at times. I felt like reaching out and stopping that machine from breaking itself. Really.

An animation that really pained me...

And of course, if these two videos caught your attention, you can always check out his website.

Have fun. :>

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