Sunday, August 16, 2009


Pony is still as childish as ever pls

So we decided to go out to AFA, against the parents' wishes. So naturally, they complained and shit like that... but it's for a good cause. I know they just didn't want to tire me out, since I've been slogging my ass off for a straight month already. They even witnessed me doing that infamous 19 hour sleep routine...

Then good old Pony went all guai lan and give those beng attitude. I tried to fix the situation by, you know, countering his bengness with my concierge voice and attitude.

Smile smile oh no he didn't mean this smile smile I get what you mean, but I was really looking forward to it smile smile

But his bengness still won over and pissed off his parents major. We had to go all the way back home after just hitting the highway lol. I know he sure tio hoot one, so I tried to talk first and apologize for Pony. Hopefully it softened the blow for him???

Talked to Pony's Mom after settling his dad, and she went from all defensive to all sad and sadder. Make me even more heartpain man. How can Pony be so rude to his own parents wtf

I guess I was equally rude, or even ruder to my own in the past, so when I saw history repeating itself, I really felt like pulling him off and kicking his balls lol

Maybe the 'cutting off ties with family' incident matured me earlier, or he really is way too fucking childish for his age

i think its the latter

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