Thursday, April 13, 2006


Today got Napfa, passed everything. well not really. broad jump failed but i managed to plead for a retest.. =)
2.4 must chiong to secure silver.. one more point to silver @@@
kekeke. april, me, jh was reading comics and slacking and giving each other support. lol. but i dont think we felt better after that. no effects. >]
napfa sit up dam pressure.. wanted to break through 40.. fcuk.. go 38 T__T
then with the three lil asswholes looking and looking.. pressure @@@

Went home by bus. wahh. shiok lehh?! i want take bus home everyday riaos. got place to sit >] kekeke.
Going to april house study with her and jiahui soon.[?] tomorrow? yea. and play a bit of badminton [?] lol =x everything i also not sure. tsktsk. >]

watched pks and gang going the skit at assembly. >] hezel was darn entertaining >] kekeke. -clapclap- i applaud your bravado! >]
but i felt that it was too short.

rewarded myself with fried ice-cream, bubble tea. napfa!rocks!this!year! kekeke. two weeks of dieting coming up >] i need to save up money anyway. >]


I love today~

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