I realized that I'm the only one who used a painterly looking banner for my blog. ( Aside from YK. Lol. The cloud specialist.)
Loads of other people used graphical styles. How many have I seen, already? Four?
This got me thinking about my 'uniqueness'.
Am I doing it wrong?
Am I weird?
AM I EVEN NORMAL?!oneoneeleven111!
Don't get me wrong, I love design fundamentals myself. But I've noticed that.. even in extremely graphical works, I'll tend to add in my usual touches. Retaining physics. I noticed that in most graphical works, artists have designs elements all over the place, connected in small and intricate ways. A character popping out from another's open mouth. A person towering over entire cities. A foot bigger than a lob-star. (lol naw just kidding, I love your stuff)
It's nice, but... whut??
The sense of reality isn't there. It's too random to even fit into the surreal category.
As quoted from the INTARWEBS : "I CAN'T FAP TO THIS!"
I want my characters to be alive, not mere strokes on a blank canvas. I want their cheeks to be flushed with colour, I want a hint of life in their eyes! That feel can never be attained with flat, 2D graphics, and that really puts me off. (Even if it could, I can't do it. SO THERE.)
Maybe that's why I hate typography so much. I can't make the typefaces pop out. As if they were real. And that really discourages me >:
I'm a storyteller. No, I want to be a storyteller. Storytelling means letting mere literary works or creations become real. Giving it that last touch. Breathing life into it.
Maybe that's why I would never go the bobsmade way. (His stuff is sweet, by the way. I wanna order one of those crazy ass shoes he makes... Click on the link and check out his page!) I strive to draw like... hmm. Loish. Her colours are awesome. Enayla. Detail-demon. They are, and will remain as my muses.
That got me thinking about Endling. His work has been getting quite nice nowadays.
The avatar on your right is inspired by him. Air bell bell should know why, lol. Since I sent her that link.
..Unless she forgot.
So yeah. I should end this before I stray off any further. Bottom line = PAINTERLY IS THE WAY TO GO FOR ME! AND. I. AM. PROUD. OF. IT!
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