Friday, November 26, 2010

standing in a V formation

Keep up with her
It's easy to be a success
It's hard to let go of your life in order to achieve that success

dedicating your entire body and soul to work

is the sacrifice worth it?

I think nottttttt

half asleep

i kind of hate relationships right now
ruining friendships everywhere

but then again
its inevitable
its life

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Of love and aggression

i feel like such a spoilt kid



it's nice talking to you.
helping each other understand, helping each other learn.
Though I'll admit you're way beyond me on the maturity level, hahaha.
I look forward to being just like you.

Calming agent, you are.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

its hard to know that you still care

wake up to the fact that

people can be disappointed too

Monday, November 22, 2010

i keep my eyes fixed on the sun

1 : I will not be biased

2 : I will not expect anyone to answer my call for resolve

3 : I will reevaluate

Before my life turns into a hotpot of drama.

And I will.

Keep searching.


Sunday, November 21, 2010


i would rather you not agree to anything
it's just a day
any other normal day

that you chose to destroy by jerking me out of my momentum, by force

i need my reason back
i need a distraction
i need

uhughaugd 6 more days.....
another chance opens up