Thursday, December 07, 2006



got a bad nightmare >_> nearly woke up screaming my head off. hell, even sleep dont wanna let me off these days.

waiting for friday~ can go out with bev~ keke. and yea. thats about it. im still trapped in my daily routine of playing com, quarreling , sleeping, and waking up again.

mum is finally off, can blog with details in peace for abt..10mins or so. these few days of irregular meals has finally taken a toll on me. lol. hai .. finally succumbed to panadol in the end. but at least. i slimmed down.. hah?
worried ah worried.. >< um.. really hope that these few days.. nth much will happen ah. let parents cool down first.. hai. theres alot to do.. planning and talking. kek. and the day's coming~
cant wait.
finally a good twist in this sad situation.

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