Sunday, January 07, 2007


its nearly midnight.. but i made it on time wahaha.
today pondered about a .. Comic! Fruit Basket, to be exact.

In a certain issue, saw a section about a very bitter relationship. The girl totally brokedown and went into a mental institution while the guy got blinded in the left eye -ok, shant elaborate, lazy. OT anw- With help, the girl made a recovery and 'erased' her memories, and restarted her life again. Married another person.While the guy is still wallowing in sorrow.. till a new girl appeared in his life. Well, not really new. She was there all along, he just didnt notice her. And tadaa, both of them .. went on their own routes in this journey of life. Its the end of their fate between each other.

Is the girl in the wrong? O: Is she doing the right thing by choosing to forget? Is this.. what people call.. 'heartless'?

I pondered so much about it, but i got no answer. Retreated into my N.Ro gaming to sooth my irritated feelings. Theres nothing killing some people cant cure. Well, virtually, that is.

Talking about virtual, is THIS life the original version? or just a copy? Look at your reflection and wonder. Which side is the reflection? O: What if this dimension is nothing but replicated data? We might be.. spares. To fill in the damaged parts of the real universe. That might be why we cant control our fate. O: Because we might be .. just .. data! What is our soul? Do we even have one? Who controls us? Our minds? Our actions?

Godly Programmers zomg.

No wonder we catch 'viruses' and fall ill eh >_> bad joke.

ah well . off to sleep . dont want to think too much .. ill rather keep life simple this 179 days. dont want anything major to crop up in the middle of my exams, do you.


p.s: Baphomet Jr pwns. My pudding too. And of course, all Creators. kekeke. See other jobs slog their way out while we Creators just sit and let our little homunculus do the work, sipping on some condensed white potion every now and then. Creators trespasses on God's terrority~ They create Life~! Muahahaha~

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